9 SPEC Kit 360: Learning Analytics The terms “data science” or “data empowered learning” are used here, rather than “learning analytics,” since “learning analytics” comes with many connotations, and does not cover the full breadth of data activities and possibilities. Though the university doesn’t have a campus unit responsible for learning analytics projects, there are a variety of resources available to instructors and academic departments. University is in the process of implementing student data analytics software for predictive analytics and personalized education purposes. We are just starting to look at these projects. There are a few individual research projects. We have limited but somewhat decentralized learning analytics efforts. Learning Innovation, which is organizationally part of the Libraries, uses data from Sakai (our LMS) and associated learning technologies to inform decisions about usage and to optimize learning and the environments in which learning occurs. Learning Innovation also collaborates with other faculty and offices on research projects using our large Coursera course dataset with a primary focus on improving learning outcomes or optimizing courses. There are other groups exploring the use of analytics, but those groups are currently focused on creating policies and guidelines. For example, the Office of Assessment is involved with a Student Data Analytics Team looking at guidelines for access to data in our large ERPs (PeopleSoft, SAP, etc.). While there are learning analytics projects (mostly led by colleges/departments, not campus-wide), the library is not currently participating in any learning analytics projects. Answered No N=4 Not yet. We have been building the capacity to develop learning analytics and have revised our vacant Assessment/User Experience Librarian position to be heavily focused on Library Value initiatives, but at this point, we are not currently engaged in LA initiatives. Nothing university-wide. Some individual colleges may have programs or pilots with no library involvement. There is a campus group that is starting to look into using learning analytics to support student learning. Nothing formal, yet. We have piloted a couple of projects relating to 1) library usage and demographics, but not success indicators (library) and 2) predictive analytics to develop statistical model related to student retention (Office of Undergraduate Education), but we have not yet initiated an institutional program. 2. If yes, does your institution have a program/office that is responsible for learning analytics projects/initiatives? N=41 Yes 29 71% No 12 29% If yes, please name the program(s)/office(s). N=26 Academic Planning and Institutional Research (APIR), Registrar’s Office, Vice Provost for Teaching & Learning (Assessment Division), Division of Information Technology (Highly distributed) Assessment and Research, which is a division of the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education. Center for Assessment and Applied Research