35 SPEC Kit 360: Learning Analytics It’s not just about learning analytics it is our Statement on Data Use for Library Assessment Purposes, and it covers data that we collect about librarians too. Library Assessment website Prepared and maintained in UX Project plans for scoping of data analysis for research question determined by library. Through past training led by staff and consultants around data analytics, assessment, and data visualization. Also, there have been outreach efforts such as providing access to webinars around visualization or data privacy in order to have a better conversation related to these topics across the organization. Some of these efforts are documented on the wiki. Overall, most of the current learning analytics initiatives are being guided by an internal planning document that is a strategic plan developed by the Assessment and User Experience Department. This plan outlines strategies for building capacity in learning analytics, data visualization, user experience and overall assessment. We have a document that specifies who can access which data sets (raw data, anonymized data). Distribution of the data is approved by the university librarian or other appropriate administrator. We have an assessment plan. We have policies relating to collection, storage, and access to data as well as levels of aggregation and reporting. All projects are cleared through university’s IRB process. 38. Does your library have a process in place for handling institutional data requests (e.g., If campus IT requests information on study room reservations)? N=45 Yes 15 33% No 30 67% If yes, please briefly describe the process. N=13 All ad hoc responses All requests are brought in for discussion/decisions to the Library Management Team. All requests come to library administration. FERPA data release must be approved in writing by the registrar. Third party software is reviewed and legal agreements executed before LTI integrations are approved. Escalate to library administration for approval before sharing with other campus entities. Information requests usually come to an associate dean and are handled, with assistance, through their office. It must go through the Department of Assessment and Government Information. Libraries’ privacy policy informs responses to requests for data. Most requests are referred to the OIPR however standard library surveys are routed to the assessment librarian. Our Library Reporting and Assessment Analyst handles regular institutional requests related to KPIs. Out-of-the-ordinary requests would be sent to the library executive. Requests are made known to the Dean of Libraries and the path forward is discussed with appropriate stakeholders. Requests are reviewed by the appropriate division and approved by the University Librarian before data is shared.