96  Institution Privacy Policies UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA IRM-012: Privacy and Confidentiality of University Information http://uvapolicy.virginia.edu/policy/IRM-012 Information Technology (IT) Resources: All resources owned, leased, managed, controlled, or contracted by the University involving networking, computing, electronic communication, and the management and storage of electronic data regardless of the source of funds including, but not limited to: Networks (virtual and physical), networking equipment, and associated wiring including, but not limited to: gateways, routers, switches, wireless access points, concentrators, firewalls, and Internet-protocol telephony devices Electronic devices containing computer processors including, but not limited to: computers, laptops, desktops, servers (virtual or physical), smart phones, tablets, digital assistants, printers, copiers, network-aware devices with embedded electronic systems (i.e., “Internet of things”), and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and industrial control systems Electronic data storage devices including, but not limited to: hard drives, solid state drives, optical disks (e.g., CDs, DVDs), thumb drives, and magnetic tape Software including, but not limited to: applications, databases, content management systems, web services, and print services Electronic data in transmission and at rest Network and communications access and associated privileges and Account access and associated privileges to any other IT resource. Inquiry: Gathering information and initial fact-finding to determine whether an allegation or apparent instance of research misconduct warrants an investigation. Investigation: The formal examination and evaluation of all relevant facts to determine if misconduct has occurred, and, if so, to determine the responsible person and the seriousness of the misconduct. Protected Information: Refers to information that is linked to a person’s identity, such as Social Security Number (SSN), driver’s license number, financial information, and/or protected health information (PHI). Record: Any document, file, computer program, database, image, recording, or other means of expressing information in either electronic or non-electronic form. University Record: Recorded information that documents a transaction or activity by or with any appointed board member, officer, or employee of the University. Regardless of physical form or characteristic, the recorded information is a University record if it is produced, collected, received or retained in pursuance of law or in connection with the transaction of university business. The medium upon which such information is recorded has no bearing on the determination of whether the recording is a University record. University records include but are not limited to: personnel records, student records, research records, financial records, patient records and administrative records. Record formats/media include but are not limited to: email, electronic databases, electronic files, paper, audio, video and images (photographs). Research Record: One type of University record that includes, but is not limited to: grant or contract applications, whether funded or unfunded grant or contract progress and other reports laboratory notebooks notes correspondence videos photographs X-ray film slides biological materials computer files and printouts manuscripts and publications equipment use logs laboratory procurement records
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