17 SPEC Kit 360: Learning Analytics These questions don’t apply to us since our library is not currently participating in any learning analytics projects. User university ID number is collected on most data with identifiers if a user provides name and email on an email or in a chat reference session, this info is stored. Data re: catalog use, item check out, electronic resource use, etc., do not report identifying info—at least not the reports that I’ve seen, anyway. 7. Who participates in the collection of data used for the library’s learning analytics? N=45 Librarians/library faculty 45 100% Support staff 40 89% 8. Who participates in the analysis of data used for the library’s learning analytics? N=45 Librarians/library faculty 43 96% Support staff 29 64% 9. Does the library have a records retention schedule or other policy document that covers how long this data is kept? N=47 Yes 18 38% No 29 62% 10. If yes, have data retention requirements been changed because of learning analytics? N=18 Yes 2 11% No 16 89% 11. Please enter the amount of time (e.g., 5 years, 3 months, indefinite) library data that is used for learning analytics purposes is retained. N=28 Has a retention schedule/policy N=15 3 12 months 2 years for _SOME_ data (circulation, ILL, ...) 3 years 5 for paper 5 years At least 6 years in practice, often indefinitely Based on the retention schedule, data is purged either 1-year, 3-years, when patrons become inactive, or after the transaction is complete, depending on the type of data. Depends on level of data aggregation. Detail data (PID+usage ID)=1 month are kept for purposes such as tracking when a vendor shuts off an IP address. Duration of the study for manually collected data, auto-collected data has different time periods. If collected, per IRB requirements, 3 years.