31 SPEC Kit 360: Learning Analytics 27. Does the library have a data management plan for its learning analytics data? N=40 Yes 2 5% No 38 95% 28. Please enter any comments you have regarding data protection. N=8 Different data management strategies have been used for different projects. The Assessment Team has a data management plan. The university does not currently have a data classification policy, which is often used to identify appropriate IT security for data stored electronically. Reference the Data Management policy for more information. This will be a goal for the Assessment Librarian and Data Management Librarian. We currently don’t have a data management plan for learning analytics, but, we plan to do so. We do not currently have a retention and deletion procedure, but will be developing one in the near future. We follow certain procedures for managing our data, but have not recorded them in a formal data management plan. While the library does not currently have a data management plan for library data, conversations and plans are underway to develop one within the next 12 months. The Libraries does have a privacy officer and our library tools and systems must comply with university privacy policies. Therefore, university policies around data protection should also extend to the library. There is a great deal of library material available about data management planning that has been mostly focused on external (to the library) researchers and principle investigators, but we’re currently working to create a library data management plan for operational data and analytics. As stated earlier, analytics projects and work undertaken by the library’s Assessment and User Experience Department to comply with IRB and other data privacy policies from the university. PRIVACY POLICIES 29. Does your institution have a privacy policy? N=50 Yes 45 90% No 5 10% 30. Does your library have a privacy policy that is separate from the institution’s policy? N=50 Yes 31 62% No 19 38% If yes, does the library’s privacy policy reference any of the following professional or legal documents? Check all that apply. N=29 University policies 20 69% State/provincial laws on library records 19 66% ALA Code of Ethics 17 59% Terms of Service for software/application (e.g., Google Analytics) 13 45%