26 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses 18. In response to institutional learning analytics efforts, is your library collecting more, the same amount, or less data with identifiers? N=43 More 15 35% Same 24 56% Less 4 9% 19. How important is library data to learning analytics initiatives at your institution? N=44 Very important 6 14% Important 18 41% Not important 20 46% 20. How important is it to your library’s administration to participate in learning analytics initiatives? N=44 Very important 13 30% Important 23 52% Not important 8 18% 21. Please enter any comments you have regarding library data sharing. N=20 Although we are not currently doing so, our plan is to collect more data with identifiers in the near future in response to institutional learning analytics efforts and initiatives. Although we haven’t been asked to share our data systematically, we are expected to conduct assessment and collect data that support our strategic plan, its objectives, and metrics that show what we’re accomplishing every year and how we’re making an impact on the university’s goals and objectives. At this time, we have other priorities and limited resources. If I thought I had birds of a feather at the university level, people who were interested in working with the library to pull in some of our data and track it alongside other metrics, I would be interested in testing out those waters, and I think library administration would be supportive of sharing some of our metrics. But by and large this is not a heavily data-driven campus. Institution is not requesting this data. No central learning analytics initiative. Learning analytics and library participation/sharing is becoming increasingly important with new budget models. Learning analytics is important to my department, because we are responsible for instruction of information literacy and library skills, in all delivery formats. I do not feel that learning analytics is important to the library administration or university administration. They are more interested in quantitative data that can influence budgets, resources, etc. Much library data is shared to external bodies and is public data, e.g., ARL, CARL, CAUBO. Not a top priority at this time, but administrators have mentioned that it’s a conversation we should be aware of. Not yet on the attention level strategically for our institution. More of a required reporting activity. Once the university implements the new integrated data structure, then more opportunities will open up for data sharing, and the importance of participating in the university’s system may be heightened. Share data on library’s required information literacy course.