95 SPEC Kit 360: Learning Analytics UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA IRM-012: Privacy and Confidentiality of University Information http://uvapolicy.virginia.edu/policy/IRM-012 Data Users: Individuals who acknowledge acceptance of their responsibilities, as described in this policy, and its associated standards and procedures, to protect and appropriately use data to which they are given access and meet all prerequisite requirements, e.g., attend training before being granted access. Authorizing Official (2): An individual at the University who is authorized to grant a request to access Electronically Stored Information (ESI). This may include an individual who has been designated, either permanently or temporarily, by another individual to serve in the role of authorizing official on their behalf. The authorizing official (a.k.a approver) typically would be from within the same department, business unit, or reporting area, and must be at least two levels above the affected individual(s) on an organizational chart (except where the affected individual is the president or vice-president). The authorizing official is a person in a higher-level position of authority who is able to determine appropriateness and reasonableness after reviewing the applicable policies and standards related to the request. For most situations, the authorizing official will be either the department chairs or heads or their assigned designee, or the President or delegated representative, such as the Vice-Presidents and Deans or their assigned designee, depending on the affected user and requested access. Electronic Communications: Includes telephone communications, so-called "phone mail," or voicemail, e-mail, computer files, text files, and any data traversing the University network or stored on University equipment. Electronically Stored Information (ESI): Information created, manipulated, stored, or accessed in digital or electronic form. Employee (5): An individual who is an employee (2), contractor employee, medical center employee, and/or foundation employee, as well anyone else to whom University IT resources have been extended. These include, but are not limited to, recently terminated employees whose access to University IT resources have not yet been terminated, deleted, or transferred, and individuals whose University IT resources continue between periods of employment. This also includes student workers, volunteers, and other individuals who may be using state-owned or University IT resources and carrying out University work. Contractor Employee: An individual who is an employee of a firm that has a formal contractual relationship with the University and has been assigned to work at the University for the duration of the contract. Employee (2): As used in this policy, includes all faculty (teaching, research, administrative and professional), professional research staff, university and classified staff employed by the University in any capacity, whether full-time or part-time, and all those employees in a wage or temporary status. Foundation Employee: An individual who is an employee of one of the officially recognized University-related foundations. Medical Center Employees: Individuals employed by the University of Virginia Medical Center in any capacity.