118 Data Security Policies JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Policy on Access and Retention of Research Data and Materials http://dms.data.jhu.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/27/2016/08/JHUDataRetentionPolicy2008_ WithAppendices.pdf 3. OWNERSHIP OF RESEARCH DATA: The University owns all Research Data generated by research projects conducted at or under the auspices of the Johns Hopkins University regardless of funding source, unless specific terms of sponsorship, other agreements or University policy supersede these rights. This policy does not attempt to determine relative rights of researchers and issues surrounding collaborative efforts such as authorship. 4. RETENTION AND ARCHIVING: The Primary Responsible Investigator of a research project is responsible for selection of an appropriate method of storing and archiving Research Data, and for determining what needs to be retained in sufficient detail and for an adequate period of time to enable appropriate responses to questions about accuracy, authenticity, primacy, and compliance with laws and regulations governing the conduct of research. The Primary Responsible Investigator is responsible for educating all participants in the research project of their obligations regarding Research Data, and for protection of the University’s rights and ability to meet obligations related to the Research Data. The Primary Responsible Investigator should also consult with University officials regarding the development of any contingency plans. 5. RIGHTS TO ACCESS: The Primary Responsible Investigator will have access to the Research Data generated by the project. Any other faculty, staff, student or person involved in the creation of Research Data may have the right to review that portion of the Research Data that he or she created. The University will have access to the Research Data as necessary for technology transfer, compliance and other purposes. The University also has the option to take custody of the Research Data as determined by the appropriate University official. Such option will not be invoked without cause and subsequent notification of the Primary Responsible Investigator. In some instances, a research sponsor has a legal right of access or access may be requested through the sponsoring agency under the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Such requests will be coordinated through the Office of the General Counsel and/or the appropriate Research Administration Office. 6. DESTRUCTION OR REMOVAL: Research Data must be maintained for the periods required by law, University policy and sponsored agreement terms (See Appendix V). Thereafter, Research Data must not be destroyed without prior approval of the appropriate University official. With respect to removal of the Research Data, the University recognizes the importance of Research Data to the future research and career of its faculty. Therefore, should removal of Research Data be approved, for example, because of the transfer of the investigator to another institution, the following requirements apply: I. Researchers may receive approval to remove original Research Data. The University may retain copies. II. Research Data generated during the Researcher’s employment at the University will be maintained in accordance with Johns Hopkins policy III. Research Data that are integral to the ongoing research of another Johns Hopkins employee or student will continue to be made available for that purpose IV. The researcher bears full responsibility for making original Research Data available to Johns Hopkins or federal and legal entities upon request.