62  Library Privacy Statements and Policies PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Policy UL-AD08 Confidentiality and Privacy of Patron Library Records https://libraries.psu.edu/policies/ul-ad08 Policy UL-AD08 Confidentiality and Privacy of Patron Library Records Main Policy Content Contents: Purpose Introduction University Libraries’ Policies Library Records E-Mail and Internet Applicability and Guidelines Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Cross References PURPOSE: This document codifies the policies of University Libraries regarding privacy of users’ records. INTRODUCTION: It is the policy of the Pennsylvania State University Libraries that the privacy of all users, including employees, shall be respected in compliance with federal and state laws and professional standards of confidentiality. This policy applies to all resources regardless of their format or means of delivery as well as to all services offered by the Libraries. We maintain strict client confidentiality and will not reveal the identities of individual users or reveal what information resources they consult or services provided to them to any non-Libraries staff, individual, or entity without a court order or a valid subpoena, or under appropriate federal law. The University Libraries comply with the American Library Association’s Code of Ethics (http://www.ala.org /ala/issuesadvocacy/proethics/codeofethics/codeethics.cfm) that states: We protect each library user’s right to privacy and confidentiality with respect to information sought or received and resources consulted, borrowed, acquired or transmitted. (June 28, 1995) We also adhere to the Pennsylvania Statute covering the confidentiality of library records that states: Library circulation records: Records related to the circulation of library materials which contain the names or other personally identifying details regarding the users of the State Library or any local library which is established or maintained under any law of the Commonwealth or the library of any university, college or educational institution chartered by the Commonwealth or the library of any public school or branch reading room, deposit station or agency operated in connection therewith, shall be confidential and shall not be made available to anyone except by a court order in a criminal proceeding. (24 P.S. § 9375, 2012 (http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/li/consCheck.cfm?txtType=HTM&ttl=24&div=00.&chpt=000.&sctn=000.& subsctn=000.)) Many of the University Libraries' records may also be protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). [See section on FERPA (https://www.libraries.psu.edu/policies/ul-ad08#ferpa)] UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES POLICIES: ! Pattee and Paterno 7:45 am to 9:00 pm (/hours-and-locations) Penn State University Libraries (/) MENU
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