100 Institution Privacy Policies WESTERN UNIVERSITY Official Student Record Information Privacy Policy https://www.uwo.ca/univsec/pdf/academic_policies/general/privacy.pdf Academic Handbook, General Policy, Student Record Information Privacy Policy Page 1 Last Revised: 2008 08 Official Student Record Information Privacy Policy OFFICIAL STUDENT RECORD INFORMATION PRIVACY POLICY Contents 1. Purpose 2. Definitions and General Principles 3. Information Contained in Official Student Records 4. Access to and Disclosure of Information: (a) “Public” Personal Information (b) Prospective Applicants and Applicants (c) Current Students (d) Next of Kin (e) Faculty and Staff (f) Alumni/ae and Former Students (g) University Student Organizations (h) Affiliated College and Other Institutions (i) Agents of the University 5. Custody, Storage and Retention of Official Student Record Information 1. Purpose This document sets out the University’s policy on the collection, use and disclosure of the personal information that forms part of the Official Student Record and the personal information collected on prospective applicants and applicants who do not become students. It applies to the Office of the Registrar, the Faculty of Graduate Studies, and all other academic and administrative units that are the primary and secondary custodians of specified data collected and stored about prospective applicants, applicants, students, alumni/ae and former students of the University. 2. Definitions and General Principles For the purposes of this policy: (a) prospective applicant means a person who has indicated an interest in applying for admission to the University and/or who has been identified by the University as a person who will be considered for recruitment (e.g. major scholarship winners) (b) applicant means any person who has formally applied for admission to the University and whose application is still active (c) current student means any person who is active in the current term and/or active in any program at the University [A student is considered to be active in the current term if he or she has taken some action, such as completing registration, paying a tuition deposit or a portion of term tuition fees, or completing an add/drop. A student is considered active in a program within a period of 2 years of being active in a term] (d) alumnus or alumna means any person who has received a degree, diploma or certificate from the University and is not active in a program [For the purposes of this policy a Western graduate who is also a current student is considered a