64 Library Privacy Statements and Policies PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Policy UL-AD08 Confidentiality and Privacy of Patron Library Records https://libraries.psu.edu/policies/ul-ad08 In the event of suspected misuse of Libraries’ computational services, the Libraries will act in accordance with the University's Office of Information Security, and in accordance with University policies AD96 Acceptable Use of University Information Resources (https://policies.psu.edu/policies/ad96) and AD95 – (https://policies.psu.edu/policies /ad95)Information and Assurance and IT Security (https://policies.psu.edu/policies/ad95) (Formerly AD20 Computer and Network Security). APPLICABILITY AND GUIDELINES: Any request for patron information that library staff may receive from a law enforcement official should be referred directly to the Dean’s office, 510 Paterno Library, University Park, (814) 863-4723. All Libraries staff and faculty must follow the procedures contained in the Staff Guidelines on Protecting the Confidentiality and Privacy of Patron Library Records [UL-ADG04 (https://www.libraries.psu.edu/policies/ul-adg04)]. This applies to all requests for information regarding our library users as well as an individual’s library records, etc. This applies to all University Library locations and offices during all hours of service. FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT (FERPA): The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (also known as FERPA) protects the privacy of students’ educational records, including student library financial records. Pursuant to University Policy AD11 (http://guru.psu.edu/policies/AD11.html) on Confidentiality of Student Records, the University Libraries ensure compliance with FERPA by not disclosing information about a student’s record to any third party, including parents, personnel in an academic department, or other individuals. Unless there is prior written approval allowing disclosure, the parent (or third party) should be referred back to the account holder (the student) for an explanation. The most frequent inquiry made by parents is about students’ library fees that appear on their Bursar Account Statements. Libraries personnel will annotate the note field in the student’s circulation record with a reference to the form on file and refer inquiries to the Libraries’ Business Office. Forms will be maintained for no more than three years after the student signature has been affixed. When there is no form on file, inquiries must be referred back to the student. CROSS REFERENCES: Guideline UL-ADG04 (https://www.libraries.psu.edu/policies/ul-adg04) Staff Guidelines on Protecting the Confidentiality and Privacy of Patron Library Records Effective Date: October 3, 2003 Date Approved: October 3, 2003 (Dean's Library Council University Legal Counsel) Revision History (and effective dates): December 2017 – Revised to make the E-mail and Internet section current August 31, 2015 – Editorial revisions March 17, 2008 – Addition of section on FERPA October 3, 2003 – Supersedes January 2002 policy January 14, 2002 – New policy Last Review Date: September 2010 (http://www.psu.edu) CONNECT WITH PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES " Facebook (//www.facebook.com/psulibs) # Twitter (//twitter.com/psulibs) $ Instagram (//www.instagram.com/psulibs/) PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES