127 SPEC Kit 360: Learning Analytics LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Security of Data https://sites01.lsu.edu/wp/policiesprocedures/files/2014/09/6.20-NEW.pdf be obtained by the Director or Department Head of the office in which the data is maintained, or by an official request from a senior executive officer of the University (i.e., President, Chancellor, Executive Vice Chancellor/Provost, or Vice Chancellor). When an individual that has been granted access changes responsibilities or leaves employment, all of their access rights should be reevaluated and any access to protected data outside of the scope of their new position or status should be revoked. Data that is critical to the mission of the University shall be located, or backed up, on centralized servers maintained by the institution, unless otherwise authorized by the data steward of that data, or Office of the Vice Chancellor for Information Technology (OVCIT). In the interest of securing information protected under FERPA, GLBA, HIPAA, other state and federal legislation, University policies (e.g. PS-113: Social Security Number Policy), and reducing the risks to the University of fines and other penalties, all users of computing resources shall follow Best Practices for Confidential, Private, or Sensitive Data and Best Practices for Securing Systems. NOTE: Please see Data Encryption for options to secure data. PROCEDURES Complaints or concerns about violations of this or other technology policies should be sent to security@lsu.edu. After verification is complete using system or other logs, and in accordance with other applicable policies and procedures, the incident will be reported to the appropriate Dean, Director, or Department Head for review and possible action. SOURCES PS-1 Equal Opportunity PS-06.15 Use of Electronic Mail (E-mail) PS-06.25 Privacy of Computing Resources PS-10 Internal and External Communications/Advertisements PS-30 Privacy Rights of Students (Buckley Amendment) PS-40 Employee Records Confidentiality PS-107 Computer Users’ Responsibilities PS-113 Social Security Number Policy PS-114 Security of Computing Resources LSU Code of Student Conduct PM-36 Louisiana State University System Information Security Plan The Louisiana Database Security Breach Notification Law (Act 499)
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