86 · Representative Documents: Collection Development Policies
Ohio State University
Billy Ireland Cartoon Library &Museum Collection Development Policy
Billy Ireland Cartoon Library &Museum Collection Development Policy |The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library &Museum
http://cartoons.osu.edu/collection-policy[12/10/12 12:02:04 PM]
Original artwork by international cartoonists is collected very selectively.
Prints, especially by British artists during the late 18th and early 19th century, will be collected as comprehensively as feasible.
Reprint volumes of international cartoon art will be purchased selectively or acquired as gifts-in-kind.
As part of its membership in the Consortium of Popular Culture Collections in the Midwest, CGA collects broadly representative
examples of manga, including works about manga impotant cartoon magazines popular titles and other works by renowned
cartoonists and examples of the use of manga in selected fields such as history, biography, science, religion, and government.
Secondary sources related to printed international cartoons are collected when possible.
Licensed Products
Products such as toys, games, clothing and dishes that use cartoon and comic strip characters will be collected only as part of a
larger collection where the relationship between the creator/collector and the object is clear. Collections consisting only of these
products will not be collected.
[1] In this context, a major cartoonist is one who has had popular and/or commercial success, won important awards, expanded the understanding of
his/her art, or otherwise made notable contributions to his/her profession. Other cartoonists are those whose public recognition is less, but whose work
merits documentation with representative examples in CGA’s permanent collection. Juvenilia is not collected except as part of a major cartoonist’s
The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library &Museum
27 West 17th Avenue Mall
Columbus, OH 43210-1393
Telephone: (614) 292-0538
Fax: (614) 292-9101
© 2012 The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library &Museum. All rights reserved.
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