54 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Strategy 1 Strategy 2 Strategy 3
Creation of a position for Curator of
Cultural Properties that works with the
Office of Gift Planning to review and
guide in the gift acceptance process for
museums and non-museum collections
through policies, procedures, to
responsible review of gifts in kind art
works to the university (not all art is
worth the gift).
For the museums, using the same
collection management guidelines,
procedures, and forms
For art objects -merging all the
standalone databases into one.
Creation of digital facsimiles for access in
order to protect originals.
Descriptive work: combination of item
and collection level
Consultation with preservation and
conservation experts
Digital initiatives and online exposure of
Negotiating (albeit infrequently)
endowments or gifts of cash to support
particular collections.
Exposure of collections through
exhibitions and publication motivates
moving collections higher in processing
priority list.
Digitization Climate control
Digitization of photographs, with the
creation of robust metadata, has made
them more discoverable and useful,
and has reduced the need for staff
intervention for most use.
University art gallery assumed
responsibility for some art objects.
Donor-funded temporary expertise for
Focusing acquisitions and limiting the
number of artifacts accepted to the
extent possible.
Still experimenting, but folding artifacts
into the regular workflow to the extent
For our "orphans," creating a simple,
easy to use in-house database.
Incorporating pictures of the art/artifacts
in the finding aids and inventory systems.
Good collecting focus so that we only
acquire art and artifacts essential to our
Partnership with campus museums for
loan/display of some materials.
Deaccession policy
In addition to an item number, we have a
photograph of each item on the outside
of the wrapping material or storage
carton speeds up identification.
We have created an oversized storage
area for storing framed, wrapped works
of art.
Strategy 1 Strategy 2 Strategy 3
Creation of a position for Curator of
Cultural Properties that works with the
Office of Gift Planning to review and
guide in the gift acceptance process for
museums and non-museum collections
through policies, procedures, to
responsible review of gifts in kind art
works to the university (not all art is
worth the gift).
For the museums, using the same
collection management guidelines,
procedures, and forms
For art objects -merging all the
standalone databases into one.
Creation of digital facsimiles for access in
order to protect originals.
Descriptive work: combination of item
and collection level
Consultation with preservation and
conservation experts
Digital initiatives and online exposure of
Negotiating (albeit infrequently)
endowments or gifts of cash to support
particular collections.
Exposure of collections through
exhibitions and publication motivates
moving collections higher in processing
priority list.
Digitization Climate control
Digitization of photographs, with the
creation of robust metadata, has made
them more discoverable and useful,
and has reduced the need for staff
intervention for most use.
University art gallery assumed
responsibility for some art objects.
Donor-funded temporary expertise for
Focusing acquisitions and limiting the
number of artifacts accepted to the
extent possible.
Still experimenting, but folding artifacts
into the regular workflow to the extent
For our "orphans," creating a simple,
easy to use in-house database.
Incorporating pictures of the art/artifacts
in the finding aids and inventory systems.
Good collecting focus so that we only
acquire art and artifacts essential to our
Partnership with campus museums for
loan/display of some materials.
Deaccession policy
In addition to an item number, we have a
photograph of each item on the outside
of the wrapping material or storage
carton speeds up identification.
We have created an oversized storage
area for storing framed, wrapped works
of art.