118 · Representative Documents: Arrangement Guidelines
Washington University in St. Louis
Modern Graphic History Library Processing Manual
communications, usually to be printed or reproduced photographically, advertisements, books, magazines,
newspapers, leaflets, posters, diagrams, trademarks, corporate identities, sign systems, packaging, film and
television graphics, etc., and employing words and/or images.
• GRAPHICS Any presentation of data in visual form illustrations, graphic designs, etc.
• ILLUSTRATED BOOK A book that includes visual images to explain, augment, or embellish the text.
• ILLUSTRATION A drawing, photograph, or other image representation designed to decorate or to
clarify a text.
• MIXED MEDIA In drawing and painting this refers to the use of different media in the same picture.
• OIL PAINTING A painting with pigments that are bound with a medium of drying oil.
• OIL PASTEL (also called wax oil crayon) A painting and drawing medium with characteristics
similar to pastels and wax crayons.
• PEN AND INK A technique of drawing or writing, in which colored (this includes black) ink is
applied to paper using a pen or other stylus.
• PROOF A trial impression of a printed image.
• SKETCH A preliminary drawing of a composition.
• SKETCH BOOK A book of, or for, sketches or rough drawings.
• STUDY A detailed drawing or painting made of one or more parts of a final composition, but not the
whole work.
• TEAR SHEET A term used by Advertising agencies to denote a page cut or torn from a publication as
proof that an article/photo/illustration was published.
• TYPOGRAPHY The art or practice of printing the style and appearance of printed matter.
• VISUAL COMMUNICATION Conveying a message through sight, a recognition of symbols, rather
than through textual or auditory means.
• WATERCOLOR The medium or the resulting artwork, in which the paints are made of pigments
suspended in a water soluble vehicle. The traditional and most common support for watercolor paintings is
Washington University in St. Louis
Modern Graphic History Library Processing Manual
communications, usually to be printed or reproduced photographically, advertisements, books, magazines,
newspapers, leaflets, posters, diagrams, trademarks, corporate identities, sign systems, packaging, film and
television graphics, etc., and employing words and/or images.
• GRAPHICS Any presentation of data in visual form illustrations, graphic designs, etc.
• ILLUSTRATED BOOK A book that includes visual images to explain, augment, or embellish the text.
• ILLUSTRATION A drawing, photograph, or other image representation designed to decorate or to
clarify a text.
• MIXED MEDIA In drawing and painting this refers to the use of different media in the same picture.
• OIL PAINTING A painting with pigments that are bound with a medium of drying oil.
• OIL PASTEL (also called wax oil crayon) A painting and drawing medium with characteristics
similar to pastels and wax crayons.
• PEN AND INK A technique of drawing or writing, in which colored (this includes black) ink is
applied to paper using a pen or other stylus.
• PROOF A trial impression of a printed image.
• SKETCH A preliminary drawing of a composition.
• SKETCH BOOK A book of, or for, sketches or rough drawings.
• STUDY A detailed drawing or painting made of one or more parts of a final composition, but not the
whole work.
• TEAR SHEET A term used by Advertising agencies to denote a page cut or torn from a publication as
proof that an article/photo/illustration was published.
• TYPOGRAPHY The art or practice of printing the style and appearance of printed matter.
• VISUAL COMMUNICATION Conveying a message through sight, a recognition of symbols, rather
than through textual or auditory means.
• WATERCOLOR The medium or the resulting artwork, in which the paints are made of pigments
suspended in a water soluble vehicle. The traditional and most common support for watercolor paintings is