SPEC Kit 333: Art &Artifact Management · 45
Total FTE Comments/Other category of staff
6 6 Student Assistants and temporary project archivists.
6 8 Student assistants.
7 4.50 Includes students and a one-year contract employee.
7 5 Student GTAs.
7 6
7 6
7 7
7 7
7 7 Number only refers to archives/special collections staff. The Music Library has 4 staff involved
with the special collection in the Music Library (not included in the number above) and no
FTE was given.
8 3 Graduate assistants, undergraduate employees.
8 7.50 Includes 1 FTE temporary special project worker not all people in this unit work with art.
8 8
8 8
8 9 8 staff and 1 FTE student workers or practicum students.
9 7
10 7 Students, volunteers, interns.
12 6
12 9.50 2.5 FTE are student assistants, which changes seasonally.
12 12 Graduate students.
15 2
15 12
15 12 Work/Study student assistants.
15 15 Additionally, there are student staff (est. 10 FTE).
15 15 We also have student interns on a regular basis.
18 17 Not including students.
20 15 Student workers.
20 20
23 21.75 Also hire student assistants, interns, and volunteers.
27 24
32 22 A combination of full time staff and student workers.
38 37
40 38
42 39
60 24 We employ full-time curators, part-time paraprofessionals, and students.
95 87 Also staffed by term-based/part-time workers, including graduate student assistants and
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