26 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Other Tool N=20
PDF files posted on department web page to create access via
search engines.
Access database Access, Excel
Access database and Word inventory Access and Word
Access databases, card catalogs, paper inventories and lists Day CQ web content management system, OMEKA
Digital Asset Management system CONTENTdm
CONTENTdm Microsoft Access, MySQL, CONTENTdm
CONTENTdm, METS database CONTENTdm, METS database
Described only in context of larger collection. XTF for finding aids
Library website Library website
Manuscript and published catalogues and lists Microsoft Word and Excel, Apple iPhoto
MARC records in stand-alone databases Minaret software (MARC-format records in standalone
Media Manager, homegrown database by the College of Arts
and Sciences
Media Manager
MS Access database MS Access database
MS Access database, SCREAD (in-house developed processing
and EAD tool), legacy finding aids
MS Access, SCREAD (local processing and EAD tool)
Non-MARC online system, Digital repository WordPress, Fedora
oXygen XML Editor, Luna Insight Software oXygen XML Editor, Luna Insight Software
Some listings exist, including a valuation /appraisal document
in typescript form.
Some of our holdings are described solely in finding aids and
inventories in non-standard formats.
Web pages with images of the artists’ books LibGuides
9. For each tool used to arrange and describe your art objects, please indicate whether you create
collection-level or item-level records. Check all that apply. N=55
Collection-level Item-level N
Finding aid including EAD 32 23 39
MARC records in an Integrated Library System 35 15 38
Spreadsheets such as Excel 7 27 28
Database developed and maintained by your library 6 19 22
Archival management system such as Archivists’ Toolkit 13 7 14
Museum collections management system such as PastPerfect 6 8 10
Other tool 4 12 13
Number of Responses 47 51 55
Other Tool N=20
PDF files posted on department web page to create access via
search engines.
Access database Access, Excel
Access database and Word inventory Access and Word
Access databases, card catalogs, paper inventories and lists Day CQ web content management system, OMEKA
Digital Asset Management system CONTENTdm
CONTENTdm Microsoft Access, MySQL, CONTENTdm
CONTENTdm, METS database CONTENTdm, METS database
Described only in context of larger collection. XTF for finding aids
Library website Library website
Manuscript and published catalogues and lists Microsoft Word and Excel, Apple iPhoto
MARC records in stand-alone databases Minaret software (MARC-format records in standalone
Media Manager, homegrown database by the College of Arts
and Sciences
Media Manager
MS Access database MS Access database
MS Access database, SCREAD (in-house developed processing
and EAD tool), legacy finding aids
MS Access, SCREAD (local processing and EAD tool)
Non-MARC online system, Digital repository WordPress, Fedora
oXygen XML Editor, Luna Insight Software oXygen XML Editor, Luna Insight Software
Some listings exist, including a valuation /appraisal document
in typescript form.
Some of our holdings are described solely in finding aids and
inventories in non-standard formats.
Web pages with images of the artists’ books LibGuides
9. For each tool used to arrange and describe your art objects, please indicate whether you create
collection-level or item-level records. Check all that apply. N=55
Collection-level Item-level N
Finding aid including EAD 32 23 39
MARC records in an Integrated Library System 35 15 38
Spreadsheets such as Excel 7 27 28
Database developed and maintained by your library 6 19 22
Archival management system such as Archivists’ Toolkit 13 7 14
Museum collections management system such as PastPerfect 6 8 10
Other tool 4 12 13
Number of Responses 47 51 55