SPEC Kit 333: Art &Artifact Management · 175
Books, Articles, and Reports
Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules. 2nd ed, 2005 update. Chicago: American Library Association, 2005. http://
Baca, Murtha. “Fear of Authority? Authority Control and Thesaurus Building for Art and Material Culture
Information.” Cataloging &Classification Quarterly 38, no. 3–4 (2004): 143–51.
Baca, Murtha. “Practical Issues in Applying Metadata Schemas and Controlled Vocabularies to Cultural
Heritage Information.” Cataloging &Classification Quarterly 36, no. 3–4 (2003): 47–55. http://www.
Baca, Murtha, Patricia Harpring, Elisa Lanzi, Linda McRae, and Ann Baird Whiteside, ed. Cataloging Cultural
Objects: A Guide to Describing Cultural Objects and Their Images. Chicago: American Library Association,
Baca, Murtha, and Sherman Clarke. “FRBR and Works of Art, Architecture, and Material Culture.” In Arlene
G. Taylor. Understanding FRBR: What It Is and How It Will Affect Our Retrieval Tools. Westport, Conn.:
Libraries Unlimited, 2007: 227–42.
Beacom, Matthew. “Cataloging Cultural Objects (CCO), Resource Description and Access (RDA), and the
Future of Metadata Content.” Visual Resources Association Bulletin 34, no. 1 (Spring 2007): 81–85.
Bourcier, Paul, Ruby Rogers, and Robert G. Chenhall. Nomenclature 3.0 for Museum Cataloging. Lanham, Md:
Altamira Press, 2010.
Buck, Rebecca A., and Jean Allman Gilmore, ed. MRM5: Museum Registration Methods, 5th ed. Washington,
DC: American Association of Museums, 2010.
Coburn, Erin. “Beyond Registration: Understanding What Cataloging Means to the Museum Community.”
Visual Resources Association Bulletin 34, no. 1 (Spring 2007): 76–80.
Elings, Mary W., and Gunter Waibel. “Metadata for All: Descriptive Standards and Metadata Sharing Across
Libraries, Archives and Museums.” Visual Resources Association Bulletin 34, no. 1 (Spring 2007): 7–14
Falk, Patricia K., and Stefanie Dennis Hunker. Cataloguing Outside the Box: A Practical Guide to Cataloguing
Special Collections Materials. Oxford: Chandos Pub, 2010.
Genre Terms: A Thesaurus for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloging. 2nd. ed. Prepared by the
Bibliographic Standards Committee of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section, ACRL/ALA. Chicago:
Association of College and Research Libraries, 1991.
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