22 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Types of Art Objects Collected
3. Which of the following types of original art objects are represented in your collections? Check all
categories that apply. N=60
Prints 55 92%
Paintings 52 87%
Works on paper 50 83%
Sculpture 39 65%
Art photographs 39 65%
Graphic design 31 52%
Decorative arts 28 47%
Other type of art object 15 25%
Please describe the other type of art object.
Additionally, within the Center for Legislative Archives, political cartoons
Architectural drawings, artists’ books
Artists’ books (4 responses)
Digital works
Fore-edge paintings, fine press books, artists’ books include pop up and sculpture
Pieces of destroyed murals Mexican folk, Pacific ethnographic and pre-Hispanic art materials documenting the art-
making process, e.g., moulds for casting sculpture, printing blocks and plates
Probably a little of everything you could imagine, “hidden” in manuscript collections, especially.
Public art
Set models, stage properties
Silver (bowls, cutlery) medals, embossed plaque
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