44 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
33. Please indicate how many individuals work in this library/unit/collection (enter a whole number,
e.g., 4) and the total FTE of these individuals (enter a whole number or a two-digit decimal, e.g.,
3.25). N=63
N Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev
Individuals 60 1.00 95 12.60 7 15.96
FTE 57 0.40 87 10.41 6 13.83
Total FTE Comments/Other category of staff
1 .40 Administrative Assistant helps with research.
1 1 Graduate student assistant 10 hours per week volunteers and student interns, hours vary,
depending on the project.
1 1
1 1
2 1
2 1.50
2 2
2 2
2 2 Administrative &professional.
3 1
3 1.25 1 f/t faculty, 1 p/t student, 1 volunteer.
3 2
3 3 1 support staff, 1 librarian archivist.
4 3.50
4 4 We also employ numerous student assistants who help w/ processing.
4 4 Students, interns and volunteers.
4 We currently have one full-time temporary contract position, one full-time student assistant
position, and one post-doctoral fellow working in the unit in addition to the permanent staff
noted above.
5 4
5 4.475
5 5 Student employees (3 FTE).
5 With assistance from Metadata colleagues who provide copy cataloging and rare book
6 4 Six student assistants.
6 5
6 6 This includes museum curators and archives curators.
33. Please indicate how many individuals work in this library/unit/collection (enter a whole number,
e.g., 4) and the total FTE of these individuals (enter a whole number or a two-digit decimal, e.g.,
3.25). N=63
N Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev
Individuals 60 1.00 95 12.60 7 15.96
FTE 57 0.40 87 10.41 6 13.83
Total FTE Comments/Other category of staff
1 .40 Administrative Assistant helps with research.
1 1 Graduate student assistant 10 hours per week volunteers and student interns, hours vary,
depending on the project.
1 1
1 1
2 1
2 1.50
2 2
2 2
2 2 Administrative &professional.
3 1
3 1.25 1 f/t faculty, 1 p/t student, 1 volunteer.
3 2
3 3 1 support staff, 1 librarian archivist.
4 3.50
4 4 We also employ numerous student assistants who help w/ processing.
4 4 Students, interns and volunteers.
4 We currently have one full-time temporary contract position, one full-time student assistant
position, and one post-doctoral fellow working in the unit in addition to the permanent staff
noted above.
5 4
5 4.475
5 5 Student employees (3 FTE).
5 With assistance from Metadata colleagues who provide copy cataloging and rare book
6 4 Six student assistants.
6 5
6 6 This includes museum curators and archives curators.