SPEC Kit 333: Art &Artifact Management · 43
Local content standard for Dublin Core, based on the CDP Standards
Local standards based on LOC subject headings some Dublin Core.
Locally developed standards. This practice is under review.
No content standards are used.
None (2 responses)
Rules for Archival Description (2 responses)
We do not currently have a standard.
32. Please indicate which metadata standards you use to describe your artifacts. Check all that apply.
Encoded Archival Description (EAD) 45 82%
MARC 34 62%
Dublin Core 29 53%
VRA Core 2 4%
Categories for the Description of Works of Art 2 4%
Other metadata standard 9 16%
Please specify the other metadata standard.
Above (EAD &MARC) only used for artifacts within an archival collection.
Dublin core, CIDOC core fields, CDWA, LIDO, etc. are built into the TMS system.
In-house descriptions
Locally developed standards. This practice is under review.
None (2 responses)
Rules for Archival Description
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