SPEC Kit 333: Art &Artifact Management · 117
Washington University in St. Louis
Modern Graphic History Library Processing Manual
• SERIES A body of file units or documents arranged in accordance with a unified filing system or
maintained by the records creator as a unit because of some relationship arising out of their creation,
receipt, or use.
• SUBGROUP A body of related records within a record group, usually consisting of the records of a
primary subordinate administrative unit or of records series related chronologically, functionally, or by
• SUBSERIES A subgrouping of materials in a series maintained by the file’s creator for reasons of
function creation, receipt, or use.
• TRANSCRIPT Whether it is in the author’s or a copyist’s hand, or typewritten, a transcript implies
the copying of something already completed: often, indeed, of something already published. When, for
example, a poet writes out a favorite poem for a friend or an admirer, the result (although it is in his
AUTOGRAPH) is a transcript, and not an original manuscript in the strict sense. [From ABC]
• VERSO The back or reverse, side of the LEAF i.e. the left-‐hand page of an open book or manuscript.
Verso is the complement to RECTO. ABC
This glossary is based in part on and draws several definitions from Wikipedia.com.
• ACRYLIC PAINT A fast-‐drying paint containing pigment suspended in an acrylic polymer emulsion.
Acrylic paints can be diluted with water, but become water-‐resistant when dry.
• ARTIST'S BOOK A book conceived and/or produced by an artist may include imagery conceived for
the publication and/or text.
• ARTWORK All illustrated material, ornamentation, photos and charts, etc. that is prepared for
• CANVAS A firm, loosely woven cloth. Or, a painting.
• CARICATURE An exaggerated, distorted representation of a subject in art or literature.
• COMIC (Comic book, Comic paper, Strip cartoon) A sequence of illustrations containing a story, or
• COLLAGE (From the French: coller, to glue) A work of formal art, primarily in the visual arts, made
from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole.
• COMMERCIAL ART (see also GRAPHIC DESIGN) Artwork, such as illustration, photography, graphic
design, prepared for predetermined commercial purposes, such as advertising and general promotion.
• GOACHE Pronounced "Gwash" (rhymes with "squash") (from the Italian guazzo, "water paint,
splash") A type of paint consisting of pigment suspended in water. Gouache differs from watercolor in that
the particles are larger, the ratio of pigment to water is much higher, and an additional, inert, white
pigment such as chalk is also present. This makes gouache heavier and more opaque, with greater
reflective qualities.
• GRAPHIC ARTS Usually refers to arts derived from or dependent on drawing sometimes used to
denote all processes by which prints are made may refer to the entire field of commercial printing and
Washington University in St. Louis
Modern Graphic History Library Processing Manual
• SERIES A body of file units or documents arranged in accordance with a unified filing system or
maintained by the records creator as a unit because of some relationship arising out of their creation,
receipt, or use.
• SUBGROUP A body of related records within a record group, usually consisting of the records of a
primary subordinate administrative unit or of records series related chronologically, functionally, or by
• SUBSERIES A subgrouping of materials in a series maintained by the file’s creator for reasons of
function creation, receipt, or use.
• TRANSCRIPT Whether it is in the author’s or a copyist’s hand, or typewritten, a transcript implies
the copying of something already completed: often, indeed, of something already published. When, for
example, a poet writes out a favorite poem for a friend or an admirer, the result (although it is in his
AUTOGRAPH) is a transcript, and not an original manuscript in the strict sense. [From ABC]
• VERSO The back or reverse, side of the LEAF i.e. the left-‐hand page of an open book or manuscript.
Verso is the complement to RECTO. ABC
This glossary is based in part on and draws several definitions from Wikipedia.com.
• ACRYLIC PAINT A fast-‐drying paint containing pigment suspended in an acrylic polymer emulsion.
Acrylic paints can be diluted with water, but become water-‐resistant when dry.
• ARTIST'S BOOK A book conceived and/or produced by an artist may include imagery conceived for
the publication and/or text.
• ARTWORK All illustrated material, ornamentation, photos and charts, etc. that is prepared for
• CANVAS A firm, loosely woven cloth. Or, a painting.
• CARICATURE An exaggerated, distorted representation of a subject in art or literature.
• COMIC (Comic book, Comic paper, Strip cartoon) A sequence of illustrations containing a story, or
• COLLAGE (From the French: coller, to glue) A work of formal art, primarily in the visual arts, made
from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole.
• COMMERCIAL ART (see also GRAPHIC DESIGN) Artwork, such as illustration, photography, graphic
design, prepared for predetermined commercial purposes, such as advertising and general promotion.
• GOACHE Pronounced "Gwash" (rhymes with "squash") (from the Italian guazzo, "water paint,
splash") A type of paint consisting of pigment suspended in water. Gouache differs from watercolor in that
the particles are larger, the ratio of pigment to water is much higher, and an additional, inert, white
pigment such as chalk is also present. This makes gouache heavier and more opaque, with greater
reflective qualities.
• GRAPHIC ARTS Usually refers to arts derived from or dependent on drawing sometimes used to
denote all processes by which prints are made may refer to the entire field of commercial printing and