ARL Library Data Tables · 27
Collections: Volumes and Monographs
Volumes In
Volumes Added
Volumes Added
Titles Held Monographs
(Survey Question Number) (1) (1b.i) (1b) (2) (3)
NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL LIBRARY G+ 2,450,069 11,501 7,486 980,674 3,920
LIBRARY &ARCHIVES CANADA G+ 73,138 896 896 2,775,131 9,201
NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE G+ 2,627,858 36,886 33,582 .12,818
NEW YORK PUBLIC +9,265,093 139,182 139,154 5,581,999 90,886
NEW YORK STATE G+ 2,737,317 26,303 26,288 1,974,300 3,931
SMITHSONIAN G+ 1,406,220 56,146 51,410 828,544 3,537
+-See Footnotes G -Government documents not included in serials count U/A -Unavailable
L -Includes Law library B -Includes branch campuses N/A -Not Applicable
M- Includes Medical library b Basis of volume count is bibliographic .-no data supplied
Summary Data
Volumes In
Volumes Added
Volumes Added
Titles Held Monographs
(Survey Question Number) (1) (1b.i) (1b) (2) (3)
University Libraries
Mean 4,528,262 95,157 71,240 2,997,880 53,292
Median 3,659,905 77,838 57,824 2,396,733 35,901
High 16,557,002 349,050 302,247 9,076,153 638,592
Low 1,898,348 18,342 -79,003 798,988 4,488
Totals 516,221,820 10,847,894 8,121,381 278,802,849 5,702,255
Number of Libraries Reporting 114 114 114 93 107
Nonuniversity Libraries
Median 2,627,858 36,886 33,582 2,374,716 9,201
Totals 50,125,543 757,788 745,690 24,528,722 376,783
Number of Libraries Reporting 9 9 9 6 9
GRAND TOTALS 566,347,363 11,605,682 8,867,071 303,331,571 6,079,038
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