Footnotes · 113
30 In 2008-2009, there was less in-person instruction and more instruction via LibGuides and other online resources, especially
for large classes e.g. BIO187/188 and WAC &WR101. Furthermore, the libraries changed their method of counting and are no
longer double counting. Additionally, changes in personnel &librarian vacancies have affected instruction.
31 Decrease in the number of library presentations to groups resulted in corresponding reduction in number of participants.
32 Decrease due in part to the reduction of staff to single staffing only and to a change in reference desk location. Further cuts
in staffing led to a reduction of reference hours offered. Furthermore, the staffing model for reference help was changed.
Reference help is now delivered only on demand. Additionally, decrease due to loss in staff and fewer hours at service desk.
37 Increase due to growth of the University, resulting in more degrees.
41 Increase due to increased enrollment in existing programs.
All figures are as of 09/30/2009.
Library branches included: Charles Allen Cary Veterinary Medical Library Library of Architecture, and the Design and
Construction Library.
1, 1.a Volumes held revised to 3,434,865. The instructions for Q1b, concerning volumes added during the year, direct us to add any
large sets of e-books to the previous year’s number of volumes held, and not to count them as volumes added during the
year. Auburn University Libraries added the following e-book records during 2008-2009: 312,626 ERIC docs 54,898 Office of
Scientific and Technical Information docs 9,873 OregonPDF in Health &Performance (phys. ed. dissertations) 377,397 Total
e-books added in these three sets. Adding that total to the number of volumes reported held in 2008-2009 (3,053,468) gives us
3,434,865 vols.
1.b Reductions in the Libraries material budget, required without the lead time to cut journal subscriptions, led to reductions
in purchases of monographs. An additional factor in the decrease of volumes added is the continuing conversion of journal
access to electronic format only.
5, 5.b Because of faulty counts in the past several years, Auburn has repeatedly underreported the number of serial titles received,
especially in the categories of electronic serial titles currently purchased and in consortial serial titles received but not
purchased. The reported numbers for this year are more accurate.
32 The 2007-2008 figure was misreported this count is based on a more accurate sample.
Library branches included: Mugar (main), Theology, and Special Collections libraries.
Data from the Law and Medical Library are included in the figures reported.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2008 revised to 2,847,074 which includes 2,005,866 volumes from the Main Library, 696,009 volumes
from the Law Library, and 145,199 volumes from the Medical Library.
All figures are as of 05/31/2009.
Library branches included: John J Burns Library of Rare Books and Special Collections, Bapst Library, School of Social Work
Library, the Educational Resource Center, and the School of Theology and Ministry Library.
Data from the Law Library are also included in the figures reported.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2008 revised to 2,516,668 which includes 2,261,754 volumes from the Main Library and 254,914
volumes from the Law Library.
18.c Decrease due to a change in reporting for a department. This department no longer reports to the library thus the lower
amount of student salaries.
37 Decrease reflects the elimination of Doctor of Education from the count.
30 In 2008-2009, there was less in-person instruction and more instruction via LibGuides and other online resources, especially
for large classes e.g. BIO187/188 and WAC &WR101. Furthermore, the libraries changed their method of counting and are no
longer double counting. Additionally, changes in personnel &librarian vacancies have affected instruction.
31 Decrease in the number of library presentations to groups resulted in corresponding reduction in number of participants.
32 Decrease due in part to the reduction of staff to single staffing only and to a change in reference desk location. Further cuts
in staffing led to a reduction of reference hours offered. Furthermore, the staffing model for reference help was changed.
Reference help is now delivered only on demand. Additionally, decrease due to loss in staff and fewer hours at service desk.
37 Increase due to growth of the University, resulting in more degrees.
41 Increase due to increased enrollment in existing programs.
All figures are as of 09/30/2009.
Library branches included: Charles Allen Cary Veterinary Medical Library Library of Architecture, and the Design and
Construction Library.
1, 1.a Volumes held revised to 3,434,865. The instructions for Q1b, concerning volumes added during the year, direct us to add any
large sets of e-books to the previous year’s number of volumes held, and not to count them as volumes added during the
year. Auburn University Libraries added the following e-book records during 2008-2009: 312,626 ERIC docs 54,898 Office of
Scientific and Technical Information docs 9,873 OregonPDF in Health &Performance (phys. ed. dissertations) 377,397 Total
e-books added in these three sets. Adding that total to the number of volumes reported held in 2008-2009 (3,053,468) gives us
3,434,865 vols.
1.b Reductions in the Libraries material budget, required without the lead time to cut journal subscriptions, led to reductions
in purchases of monographs. An additional factor in the decrease of volumes added is the continuing conversion of journal
access to electronic format only.
5, 5.b Because of faulty counts in the past several years, Auburn has repeatedly underreported the number of serial titles received,
especially in the categories of electronic serial titles currently purchased and in consortial serial titles received but not
purchased. The reported numbers for this year are more accurate.
32 The 2007-2008 figure was misreported this count is based on a more accurate sample.
Library branches included: Mugar (main), Theology, and Special Collections libraries.
Data from the Law and Medical Library are included in the figures reported.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2008 revised to 2,847,074 which includes 2,005,866 volumes from the Main Library, 696,009 volumes
from the Law Library, and 145,199 volumes from the Medical Library.
All figures are as of 05/31/2009.
Library branches included: John J Burns Library of Rare Books and Special Collections, Bapst Library, School of Social Work
Library, the Educational Resource Center, and the School of Theology and Ministry Library.
Data from the Law Library are also included in the figures reported.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2008 revised to 2,516,668 which includes 2,261,754 volumes from the Main Library and 254,914
volumes from the Law Library.
18.c Decrease due to a change in reporting for a department. This department no longer reports to the library thus the lower
amount of student salaries.
37 Decrease reflects the elimination of Doctor of Education from the count.