Footnotes · 127
GUELPH, cont.
22 Increase in expenditures due to one-time purchase of electronic products like journal backfiles.
23 Serial expenditures increased due to funding increases and inflation.
Data from the Law and Health Science Library are also included in the figures reported.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2008 revised to 16,254,755 which includes 13,779,615 volumes from the Main Library, 1,788,345
volumes from the Law Library, and 686,795 volumes from the Health Science Library.
Library branches included: University of Hawaii at Manoa Library (main) housed in two buildings: Hamilton Library, and
the Sinclair Library.
Data from the Law and Health Sciences Library are also included in the figures reported.
1.b.i Many materials purchased in 2007-2008 using flood recovery funding were processed in 2008-2009.
1.b.ii Efforts increased in 2008-2009 to deaccession materials in order to gain space for new acquisitions.
3 Approval plan expanded following reduction in 2007-2008.
5.b.ii Additional titles added to electronic resources gateway.
16.a Flood recovery funding from 2007-2008 did not continue into 2008-2009. Some prepayment in previous year for approval
plan receipts in 2008-2009.
16.b Supplemental budget funding received to purchase electronic resources such as JSTOR collections and ArtSTOR.
17 Increase in number of serial volumes bound in 2008-2009.
18.a-18.b Increase due to negotiated salary increases.
20 Funding for roof leak repairs increased operating expenditures in 2007-2008. Some major expenses were encumbered but
not expended in 2008-2009. In addition, there was some reduction in operating costs, travel, and innovation funding in 2008-
22 Supplemental budget funding in 2008-2009.
23 New electronic resources were purchased with supplemental budget funding, including one year of maintenance fees.
25 Supplemental budget funding in 2008-2009.
26 Expenditures for document delivery and interlibrary borrowing of books continue to increase due to journal cancellations
and growing gaps in monographic holdings.
29 Increase due to 24/7 hours of operation begun in one library building.
30-31 Increase due to expanded instruction program for freshman composition courses.
All figures are as of 08/31/2009.
Library branches included: Architecture &Art Library, Music Library, Weston A. Pettey Optometry Library, Pharmacy
Library and the Law Library.
2 Titles include 1,629,798 print titles and 388,743 titles of electronic materials which includes 51,913 US Government Documents
16.c, 22 The library purchased ProQuest this year and charges for this service have been recorded here. This accounts for the
25 The library expanded its learning commons, bought additional storage and new software such as Encore and Serials
26 Decrease in this expenditure is proportional to decreased interlibrary loan activity.
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