54 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Changed position description and job title of the Director, Digital Resources Program, to include leadership for the
scholarly communications program.
Chief Officer -Collections &Scholarly Communications Office reports directly to university librarian (previously reported
to associate university librarian).
Created a new unit, Academic and Scholarly Outreach, and hired a director and a scholarly communications librarian.
Created Office of Copyright Management &Scholarly Communication, created Scholarly Publishing and Data
Management Team, created director of copyright management &scholarly communication, repository manager, and
data management librarian positions.
Created positions of Director of Collection Strategies and Scholarly Communication and Repository Coordinator.
Creation of a Copyright and Rights Management Office within the library.
Creation of the Office of Digital Initiatives &Open Access.
Established the scholarly commons described before. While this wasn’t a reorganization strictly to provide better SC
services, the ability to have a centralized location for SC services was a factor.
Formally established scholarly communication unit in 2009.
In 2008, we created a library committee to support scholarly communication activities within the university library. In
2012, we hired a Scholarly Communication Officer to spearhead library scholarly communication efforts on campus.
In 2009 we recruited and hired for a newly defined position, Digital Collections Curator, who has been instrumental
in leading our initial data management services and the development of ScholarSphere services. As mentioned in Q 3,
we are forming a new unit, titled Publishing and Curation Services that is intended to consolidate and make simpler
resource allocations for SC activities. In summer 2011 we reorganized our administrative structures so that special
collections began to report to the AD for Scholarly Communications (whose title was adjusted to include research).
Among other benefits, this has allowed us to better link planning for electronic records archiving with the development
of scholarly repository services and to better coordinate activities around digitization to promote more scholarly
engagement and partnerships.
In 2012 we will be hiring a Scholarly Communications Officer.
In January 2012 the library reorganized including the creation of a new division and AUL position for digital services in
order to better support initiatives to provide increased SC services.
In the spring of 2012 reorganization moved IR staffing to the university press and created a new unit Library
Publishing Services.
Incorporation of the digital library initiatives department into scholarly communication. Appointment of an associate
dean for scholarly communication and research services.
New director also moved technology-based positions to and from digital library initiatives department. Created a
position in collections and scholarly communication division for digital preservation.
One additional position added to digital library services.
Restructured committee on scholarly communication to be more broadly representative of SC issues. Added copyright
and licensing librarian.
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