140 · Representative Documents: Assessment Tools
University of Ottawa
Author Fund Survey
Author Fund -Survey
https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en_GB&formkey=dEpHWjhYZVRWSFgteVpadDlzemtGOWc6MA[11/20/12 1:02:35 PM]
8. Have you ever published in an open access journal or paid an open access fee to a
hybrid journal?
9. Why did you choose to publish your article in an open access or hybrid journal?
Demographic questions
Please answer the following questions to help us gain a better understanding of who has received
10. Gender
11. Age
12. Status
13. Department or Research Institute
Please indicate your department or research institute
14. Which of these roles have you undertaken in the past year?
Please select all applicable answers
Author of journal articles
Referee for journal articles
Editorial board member
Journal editor
Please select your gender
Please select your age range
Please select your status
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

140 · Representative Documents: Assessment Tools
University of Ottawa
Author Fund Survey
Author Fund -Survey
https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en_GB&formkey=dEpHWjhYZVRWSFgteVpadDlzemtGOWc6MA[11/20/12 1:02:35 PM]
8. Have you ever published in an open access journal or paid an open access fee to a
hybrid journal?
9. Why did you choose to publish your article in an open access or hybrid journal?
Demographic questions
Please answer the following questions to help us gain a better understanding of who has received
10. Gender
11. Age
12. Status
13. Department or Research Institute
Please indicate your department or research institute
14. Which of these roles have you undertaken in the past year?
Please select all applicable answers
Author of journal articles
Referee for journal articles
Editorial board member
Journal editor
Please select your gender
Please select your age range
Please select your status

