52 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Office of the vice president for research (OVPR) and the center for computing and visualization (CCV) support patent
work and data management (short term), respectively.
Several offices at the university offer services, including the office for research and university information technology,
particularly in the area of data management and digital publishing support. These efforts are in their infancy, however,
and not closely coordinated across the university. The library works closely with the office of general counsel on selected
copyright and other rights issues neither the library nor OGC officially represent individual faculty.
Technical support for publishing (e.g., OJS) assistance with compliance efforts (OSP) some educational outreach
(promotion of Fair Use) creation and revision of institutional policies (Faculty Senate, committees).
The campus office of information technology and the graduate school are partnering with the Libraries to plan for NSF
data curation and management mandates. The faculty assembly library committee has been discussing an open access
The copyright licensing office takes the lead in educating authors about their rights and in providing copyright training.
The center for the advancement of learning hosts a lot of our workshops on copy rights, author rights, and open courses
as part of their regular programming by providing space, refreshments, management of registration and assessment,
and other kinds of logistical support. The office of the general counsel provides valuable input on guidelines and
documents we use in workshops and in other kinds of outreach.
The graduate school approves and submits theses and dissertations into the repository.
The Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence often refers faculty to the library. They also ask librarians to present
workshops concerning open access, copyright, and portfolio creation.
The main SC roles played outside the library are by the office of fair practices &legal affairs on copyright awareness
promotion and advice, and research services regarding funding compliance.
The office of the vice chancellor for research and the office of the provost are supporting the open access fund.
The university center of humanities has sponsored programs related to SC issues. Computer Services Instructional
Support unit provides some advice on copyright for faculty.
The university deans voted to support the provost-funded open access publishing fund. The faculty, through the faculty
senate, voted to endorse the Berlin Declaration and also the creation of an open access policy.
Vice provost for research and CIO are engaged in planning for e-science and data curation.
We have a highly decentralized campus, so you do find some IT units within colleges providing support for an Open
Journal System installation, for example. But this is not very well organized. We do have a couple of research centers—
I3 and ICHASS—that provide support for faculty working in new areas (particularly the digital humanities). In most
cases, this support is helping find and secure grant funding.
We work with our office of research and the provost’s office to develop relationships with faculty and graduate
Please enter any additional comments you may have about who supports SC services. N=10
At least two departments on campus, Computer Science and Portuguese and Brazilian Studies, support their own peer-
reviewed OA journals.
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