SPEC Kit 332: Organization of Scholarly Communication Services · 59
Please describe other author outcome.
Authors are more aware of the Faculty Open Access Policy.
Editors founding open access journals or converting print subscription journals to OA. Major portfolios on campus
evaluating and integrating resolutions on data sharing and management. Development of university-wide policy on data
sharing and management currently underway.
Evidence for these outcomes really is largely anecdotal. In addition, some faculty members have signed the recent White
House petition.
Growth and demand for online access journals cataloged and made available by the library better self-archiving of
research more collaboration between faculty and librarians.
I do not feel comfortable in answering this question as I have no way of knowing if authors have changed their practices
based solely on the SC efforts we have done.
It is my opinion that because we have not engaged in formal assessment, it’s difficult to impossible to determine
whether the libraries’ SC efforts and services have had demonstrable outcomes. I think we can guess that they have, but
I don’t think that’s what’s being asked here. We know that authors do comply with funding mandates, for instance, but
we don’t know if they comply because of anything the Libraries are doing. We also know that the number of questions
re: authorship to our SC department is up since 2007, but we can’t tie it directly to our efforts.
Many of the outcomes above may have resulted, but no evidence has been collected. Editors have sought assistance
with questions relating to rights and publisher policies. Editors have sought assistance with publishing their journals or
starting new ones. A number of faculty and students have signed the “Cost of Knowledge” boycott.
Open access publishing fund has been created and/or funding has been increasing. Librarians have adopted a resolution
on open access.
Presentations about open access to university bodies.
The Libraries has provided workshops and website information about managing authors rights, copyright addenda, and
Creative Commons/Science Commons licenses. We assume there have been positive outcomes from our efforts, but it
isn’t something we have been able to track, which is why we have left the boxes unchecked.
Use of open scholarly services like OJS for faculty publications.
We have seen growth in the areas indicated but it is hard to demonstrate that this came from efforts in a direct cause
and effect!
While a number of the non-checked items have happened, the library cannot claim credit for these actions.
Institution N=54
Institution hosts an institutional repository 44 82%
Electronic theses and dissertations are available Open Access 44 82%
Institutional repository has seen an increase in holdings 39 70%
Number of positions with SC responsibilities has increased since 2007 38 70%
Open Access publishing fund has been created and/or funding has been increasing 16 30%
Creation of new centers or institutes related to SC 13 24%
Please describe other author outcome.
Authors are more aware of the Faculty Open Access Policy.
Editors founding open access journals or converting print subscription journals to OA. Major portfolios on campus
evaluating and integrating resolutions on data sharing and management. Development of university-wide policy on data
sharing and management currently underway.
Evidence for these outcomes really is largely anecdotal. In addition, some faculty members have signed the recent White
House petition.
Growth and demand for online access journals cataloged and made available by the library better self-archiving of
research more collaboration between faculty and librarians.
I do not feel comfortable in answering this question as I have no way of knowing if authors have changed their practices
based solely on the SC efforts we have done.
It is my opinion that because we have not engaged in formal assessment, it’s difficult to impossible to determine
whether the libraries’ SC efforts and services have had demonstrable outcomes. I think we can guess that they have, but
I don’t think that’s what’s being asked here. We know that authors do comply with funding mandates, for instance, but
we don’t know if they comply because of anything the Libraries are doing. We also know that the number of questions
re: authorship to our SC department is up since 2007, but we can’t tie it directly to our efforts.
Many of the outcomes above may have resulted, but no evidence has been collected. Editors have sought assistance
with questions relating to rights and publisher policies. Editors have sought assistance with publishing their journals or
starting new ones. A number of faculty and students have signed the “Cost of Knowledge” boycott.
Open access publishing fund has been created and/or funding has been increasing. Librarians have adopted a resolution
on open access.
Presentations about open access to university bodies.
The Libraries has provided workshops and website information about managing authors rights, copyright addenda, and
Creative Commons/Science Commons licenses. We assume there have been positive outcomes from our efforts, but it
isn’t something we have been able to track, which is why we have left the boxes unchecked.
Use of open scholarly services like OJS for faculty publications.
We have seen growth in the areas indicated but it is hard to demonstrate that this came from efforts in a direct cause
and effect!
While a number of the non-checked items have happened, the library cannot claim credit for these actions.
Institution N=54
Institution hosts an institutional repository 44 82%
Electronic theses and dissertations are available Open Access 44 82%
Institutional repository has seen an increase in holdings 39 70%
Number of positions with SC responsibilities has increased since 2007 38 70%
Open Access publishing fund has been created and/or funding has been increasing 16 30%
Creation of new centers or institutes related to SC 13 24%