SPEC Kit 332: Organization of Scholarly Communication Services · 41
pages as guidance. The library participates in a regional SC coalition with other academic libraries in the metropolitan
Lecture recording service and conference support.
Negotiate with publishers in relation to author rights, including in relation to a faculty open access policy. Create
and maintain database of university-authored scholarly articles. Manage implementation of a faculty open access
policy, including advising authors about policy, creating and managing workflows, etc. Confer on author publishing
agreements. Provide information on fair use. Offer administrative support to faculty committees working on SC
issues. Participate in developing model language for licenses in relation to author rights. Please note that the answer
to “Campus-based publishing” assumes that the university press, while reporting to the Libraries, is distinct from
the Libraries. Please note that the answer to “manage manuscript submissions to repositories” refers to managing
submissions to our own institutional repository, not third party repositories. Please note that the answer to “Prepare SC-
related documents” refers to the Libraries’ involvement in drafting some documents in response to US government RFIs,
for example, assuming that the “for faculty discussion” was an example, rather than an exclusive category.
Our office of scholarly communication offers open educational resource services and support for campus research
centers and institutes. We also participate in our digital strategies projects re: data management, digital preservation,
and metadata.
Support for open peer review systems. Development and hosting of online scholarly network for new forms of
publishing (media commons.)
The Libraries are a member of CrossRef and we have assisted faculty in getting DOIs for their data sets.
The library also has a digital library center, in addition to the academic and scholarly outreach office. The DLC offers the
institutional repository and affiliated services as well as digital services and open journal hosting.
The library provides some help support for submitting to external repositories but we don’t manage the process.
We provide space for digital humanities faculty collaboration meetings and are looking to create a service point for
eresearch activities.
The library will be administering a new open access research program that will provide funding for researchers interested
in studying various aspects of open access.
The Libraries are helping faculty host journals electronically using Open Journal Systems software (OJS). Through this
hosting service, the libraries are helping new journals establish themselves, and are helping journals market themselves
as widely as possible. The libraries also provide background on creative commons and emerging forms of scholarly
Please briefly describe any other SC services offered elsewhere in the institution. N=10
California Digital Library provides support for the system efforts as does the system-wide scholarly communication
officers group.
Data management, including DMP tool, offered as a partnership with office of information technology and sponsored
programs &regulatory compliance (SPARCS).
Patents are supported by the office of the vice president for research.
The campus bookstore also supports scholarly publishing. There are several repositories hosted elsewhere on campus,
some by individual researchers, others by specific units.
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