128 · Representative Documents: Scholarly Communication Services
University of Miami
Scholarly Communications &Publishing
Scholarly Communications &Publishing |University of Miami Libraries
http://library.miami.edu/scholarly-communications/[11/26/12 4:10:38 PM]
Scholarly Communications &Publishing
Latest News
2013 Journal Review in Progress
The UM Libraries regularly review the usage of our subscribed electronic resources
in order to determine the value of content in our collections and ensure that we are
making prudent subscription decisions. Recently, we completed an analysis of our
subscribed titles from the publisher Taylor and Francis. While our most cost-
effective information providers provide articles at an average price of under $1 per
download, we discovered that Taylor and Francis titles were costing the University
an average of $97 per download. We examined 3 years of usage data and
consulted with faculty across disciplines to create a proposed cancellation list of
very-low use titles: http://library.miami.edu/fy13-journal-evaluation-project/
Should you have questions or concerns, please contact John Renaud.
Posted 9 November 2012
SCOAP3 Initiative Moving Forward
The SCOAP3 Initiative, which the UM Libraries have worked with since 2008, has
entered the implementation phase. The goal of the program is for national
consortia to assume responsibility for established, high-quality journals in the field
of High Energy Physics. There are many details to be worked out, but the Lyrasis
consortium, of which the University of Miami Libraries are a member, will
administer the program for US institutions.Many institutions, including UM, are
monitoring the development of the Initiative as more details become available.
Posted 9 November 2012
Resources for Authors and Researchers
Copyright Resources
Guidance in complying with copyright and using materials according to Fair Use.
Journal Rankings/ Impact Factors
Resources for evaluating the impact of journals.
UM Calder Library Guide to NIH Public Access Policy
Help in understanding options in complying with this new policy for NIH grant funded
UM Guide to Data Management
Guidance in designing and implementing data management plans.
UM Scholarly Repository
A resource for publishing and preserving the work of the UM community.
UM Thesis Preparation &Submission
Information from the Graduate School about the theses and dissertations processes.
Open Access Initiatives
Author’s Rights Initiative by SPARC
Provides information and resources to help authors retain rights to their work.
Creative Commons Licenses
Ask a Librarian Comments
John P. Renaud
Director of Collection
Strategies and Scholarly
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University of Miami
Scholarly Communications &Publishing
Scholarly Communications &Publishing |University of Miami Libraries
http://library.miami.edu/scholarly-communications/[11/26/12 4:10:38 PM]
Scholarly Communications &Publishing
Latest News
2013 Journal Review in Progress
The UM Libraries regularly review the usage of our subscribed electronic resources
in order to determine the value of content in our collections and ensure that we are
making prudent subscription decisions. Recently, we completed an analysis of our
subscribed titles from the publisher Taylor and Francis. While our most cost-
effective information providers provide articles at an average price of under $1 per
download, we discovered that Taylor and Francis titles were costing the University
an average of $97 per download. We examined 3 years of usage data and
consulted with faculty across disciplines to create a proposed cancellation list of
very-low use titles: http://library.miami.edu/fy13-journal-evaluation-project/
Should you have questions or concerns, please contact John Renaud.
Posted 9 November 2012
SCOAP3 Initiative Moving Forward
The SCOAP3 Initiative, which the UM Libraries have worked with since 2008, has
entered the implementation phase. The goal of the program is for national
consortia to assume responsibility for established, high-quality journals in the field
of High Energy Physics. There are many details to be worked out, but the Lyrasis
consortium, of which the University of Miami Libraries are a member, will
administer the program for US institutions.Many institutions, including UM, are
monitoring the development of the Initiative as more details become available.
Posted 9 November 2012
Resources for Authors and Researchers
Copyright Resources
Guidance in complying with copyright and using materials according to Fair Use.
Journal Rankings/ Impact Factors
Resources for evaluating the impact of journals.
UM Calder Library Guide to NIH Public Access Policy
Help in understanding options in complying with this new policy for NIH grant funded
UM Guide to Data Management
Guidance in designing and implementing data management plans.
UM Scholarly Repository
A resource for publishing and preserving the work of the UM community.
UM Thesis Preparation &Submission
Information from the Graduate School about the theses and dissertations processes.
Open Access Initiatives
Author’s Rights Initiative by SPARC
Provides information and resources to help authors retain rights to their work.
Creative Commons Licenses
Ask a Librarian Comments
John P. Renaud
Director of Collection
Strategies and Scholarly
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