56 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
We integrated open access outreach into the job descriptions for all liaison librarians. We repositioned and named the
SC activities as “Office of Scholarly Publishing &Licensing.” We established an open access outreach committee. We
established an open access policy systems team. We hardened the salary of the program manager, scholarly publishing
&licensing, and revised duties to remove some non-SC components. We added a part-time librarian to support SC
activities (in addition to full-time program manager role added in 2006). We changed reporting lines for some related
acquisitions support functions as a result of changes to program manager role described here. We added some ‘dotted
lines’ to support staff assisting with open access policy implementation.
Answered No
As mentioned above we plan to re-organize this year making SC a priority.
The Libraries underwent substantial reorganization of nearly every unit in the past two years, but improving SC services
was not an explicit goal of the reorganization.
Assessment of SC Services
26. Has the success of the library’s SC services been evaluated? N=54
Yes 8 15%
No 28 52%
No, but we plan to 18 33%
If yes or you plan to, please briefly describe the evaluation criteria/process.
Answered Yes
An online campus-wide survey to faculty was distributed in October 2011.
Annual reporting, monthly reports, staff surveys.
Evaluation has taken place through annual reports and performance reviews, reports to the faculty committee on the
library system, reports to the provost and vice provost, reports to the committee on intellectual property, and in surveys
of our user community. Evaluation has also taken place informally through anecdotal information from faculty and
Ongoing review of statistics and services regular update of tools.
The only evaluation done so far has been to send a survey to our author fund recipients asking them to provide
feedback about their experience. Other initiatives have not been assessed.
We analyze participation in IR, and download statistics (including theses and dissertations).
Workshop participants are asked to answer a short survey, which helps us determine the value of that workshop to
that audience. We present our services to different groups to get their feedback on the content and marketing of these
services, to determine what is important to them and how to better reach the intended audiences. Liaison librarians
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