SPEC Kit 332: Organization of Scholarly Communication Services · 39
If yes, please identify the position(s) and briefly describe the training or degree.
Team Training or Degree
Committee on Scholarly Communication Copyright &Licensing Librarian
Scholarly Communication &Management Program AUL for Public Services and AUL for Collections both have
extensive copyright training.
Scholarly Communications Working Group Coursework &practicum experience in digital/data curation.
The Scholarly Communications Committee The representative from the law library has a Master of Law degree
specializing in copyright.
20. Is this team also considered the institution’s main leader for SC efforts? N=8
Yes 6 75%
No 2 25%
Answered No
It is as far as I know the only game on campus, but not necessarily recognized by the institution at large.
There is an open access working group on campus that includes faculty, administrator, and librarian representation from
a number of faculties. It is led by the associate vice president of research at the university.
15 (or more) research librarians also have responsibility to keep abreast of issues and trends and to participate in
SC Services
21. Please indicate whether the SC services listed below are offered by the library, elsewhere in the
institution, or not offered. Check all that apply. N=56
Campus-based Publishing Library Elsewhere Not Offered N
Collaborate on digital publishing ventures with outside groups (e.g.,
university press)
37 17 14 56
Develop new forms of publications with faculty 43 20 9 56
Host or publish electronic journals (open access or subscription based) 41 18 7 56
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