SPEC Kit 332: Organization of Scholarly Communication Services · 95
University of Colorado
Scholarly Communications Working Group
Scholarly Communications Working Group
Access to scholarly resources is central to teaching and learning in the academy. As new models for
scientific and scholarly exchange emerge, the Libraries will develop innovative and sustainable solutions
for the creation, evaluation, dissemination and preservation of scholarly research contributions. In
partnership with campus and external collaborators, the Libraries will pursue cohesive strategies for the
adoption of digital technologies and emerging services to support major national directives and
international initiatives for evolving systems of scholarly communications. These partnerships will also
involve the development of new digital content in support of research and teaching.
To foster and promote an integrative and scalable approach to scholarly communications issues within
the Libraries, campus and CU System. This includes identifying strategic directions and collaborating
within the Libraries and with other entities to implement programs and services.
Implement a digital repository
Develop outreach and consultation services in support of open access and author’s rights issues
Coordinate data curation, archiving and management
Investigate and recommend tools and applications for the robust dissemination of digital
collections in multiple formats
Identify solutions for long term preservation of digital resources
Departmental representatives may include one member from each of the following departments
(selected by the Department Director): Special Materials Humanities Social Sciences STEM Metadata
Services LIT Resource Management and 2-3 additional members/stakeholders appointed by the
Management Team.
The term of service should be 3 years, staggered. An effort should be made to rotate members from
departments, and to select members from both faculty and staff. WG members should not be part of
the Management Team. There will also be a Management Team Liaison, chosen from among the
departments listed above. The working group should invite members of other departments or working
groups as needed.
Leadership Model
The SCWG Coordinator will be elected by the standing membership, in keeping with the Libraries’
Working Group model, and will serve a 3 year renewable term. The Coordinator cannot be a member of
the Management Team. The Coordinator and Management Team Liaison should be from different
Taskforces, standing committees and other groups
This Working Group will succeed the Digital Strategies Committee. The Scholarly Communications
Working Group (SCWG) will create additional task forces or smaller working groups as it deems
appropriate and will coordinate with affected departments, units or participating libraries.
Representatives to taskforces and other groups may be recruited from outside of the SCWG
membership. Management Team recommends the following groups:
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