104 · Representative Documents: Committee/Unit Charge
Rutgers University
Special Election Spring 2007 and charge for new Scholarly Communication Committee
Rutgers University Libraries' Staff Resources: Library Faculty: Special Election Spring 2007 and charge for new Scholarly Communication Committee -March 28, 2007
http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/staff/lib_fac/fac_reorg_2006/fac_reorg_2006_special_election_sp2007.shtml[11/20/12 12:32:13 PM]
providing advice and guidance in planning, bringing the Libraries' scholarly communications
plan to the university at large, and identifying opportunities for collaborative partnerships. The
expansion of the membership of the committee and the development of task forces and
subcommittees will happen as needed. As the committee expands and its subgroups are
established, there will be a need to involve all of the campuses. There is no set timetable for
this expansion of the committee's work. It will happen when issues are ready to share. The
transition from the first to the second stage should take no longer than four months.
Membership of the committee in the first stage will consist of:
2 appointed and 3 elected faculty for one year (will require special election Spring 2007
semester. Terms of service will be reassessed at the end of the year.) Because of the
disciplinary differences in approach to scholarly communication the three elected RUL
faculty will represent sciences, arts and humanities, and social sciences
4 AULs: the Associate University Librarian for Research and Instructional Services, the
Associate University Librarian for Planning and Organizational Research, the Associate
University Librarian for Collection Development &Management, the Associate University
Librarian for Digital Library Systems (for one year will reassess after that time)
1 appointed staff member for one year
Co-Chairs of Scholarly Communication Committee would be: the AUL for Collection
Development and Management and a faculty member to be elected from within the committee.
To inform their work, the committee is charged to hold regular open discussions with all
RUL faculty. These could take the form of monthly faculty meetings called by the Faculty
Coordinator in consultation with the committee.
URL: http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/staff/lib_fac/fac_reorg_2006/fac_reorg_2006_special_election_sp2007.shtml
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© Copyright 1997-2012, Rutgers University Libraries (Further Copyright Information)
Rutgers University
Special Election Spring 2007 and charge for new Scholarly Communication Committee
Rutgers University Libraries' Staff Resources: Library Faculty: Special Election Spring 2007 and charge for new Scholarly Communication Committee -March 28, 2007
http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/staff/lib_fac/fac_reorg_2006/fac_reorg_2006_special_election_sp2007.shtml[11/20/12 12:32:13 PM]
providing advice and guidance in planning, bringing the Libraries' scholarly communications
plan to the university at large, and identifying opportunities for collaborative partnerships. The
expansion of the membership of the committee and the development of task forces and
subcommittees will happen as needed. As the committee expands and its subgroups are
established, there will be a need to involve all of the campuses. There is no set timetable for
this expansion of the committee's work. It will happen when issues are ready to share. The
transition from the first to the second stage should take no longer than four months.
Membership of the committee in the first stage will consist of:
2 appointed and 3 elected faculty for one year (will require special election Spring 2007
semester. Terms of service will be reassessed at the end of the year.) Because of the
disciplinary differences in approach to scholarly communication the three elected RUL
faculty will represent sciences, arts and humanities, and social sciences
4 AULs: the Associate University Librarian for Research and Instructional Services, the
Associate University Librarian for Planning and Organizational Research, the Associate
University Librarian for Collection Development &Management, the Associate University
Librarian for Digital Library Systems (for one year will reassess after that time)
1 appointed staff member for one year
Co-Chairs of Scholarly Communication Committee would be: the AUL for Collection
Development and Management and a faculty member to be elected from within the committee.
To inform their work, the committee is charged to hold regular open discussions with all
RUL faculty. These could take the form of monthly faculty meetings called by the Faculty
Coordinator in consultation with the committee.
URL: http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/staff/lib_fac/fac_reorg_2006/fac_reorg_2006_special_election_sp2007.shtml
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© Copyright 1997-2012, Rutgers University Libraries (Further Copyright Information)