50 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Subject librarians engage in multi-faceted consultations on scholarly communications issues, depending on need. Center
for instructional technology within the library assists with a variety of educational and publishing needs (insofar as latter
are related to instruction. Medical librarians provide primary assistance with NIH/PMC deposit. Data and GIS librarians
assist with data management, in collaboration with office of research support.
Subject specialists will refer faculty and students to the scholarly commons for support. In some cases, they will work
with their constituencies directly on support for SC services. We have provided one librarian with fairly intensive
copyright training so that that person can provide more support in terms of fair use for material. Instructional services
librarian works to identify potential audiences and areas for workshops. Graduate College liaison works with the GC to
identify potential areas for support.
Subject specialists/liaisons provide outreach, training, consulting to academic departments and students. Librarians and
staff in scholarly resource development and libraries information technology provide support for content and access
issues such as hybrid publishers, predatory open access, freely available resources.
The liaison librarians provide outreach and education to their faculty and students. Access services staff provide front
line assistance to users about copyright issues. Acquisitions manages the publication fee funds.
To create more awareness about SC issues, librarians and library administrators make verbal reports to the council of
deans, the faculty senate library committee, write blog posts, do programming, etc.
Two programmers are involved in serving our DSpace IR and our digital asset management system. The DSpace
programmer also administers our OJS installation. Two library assistants in technical services are involved, one on the
retro-digitization of theses and another with ingest of research publications into our IR. There is also an IR working
group that involves the DSpace programmer, the SC library assistant/technician, a couple of liaison librarians, and a
metadata librarian. They have also helped plan and carry out our OA Week events.
We are campus leaders is supporting media software for the creation of new types of scholarly works. We are also the
primary place on campus for preservation of digital content. We are the leaders in the open access movement, but we
rely heavily on faculty input. We are advisors when it comes to copyright, but leave the final decisions up to the content
creators. We convene a faculty group that sets copyright policy for campus.
While the collections &scholarly communications office plays a leadership role in supporting SC services, another
department — information &cyberinfrastructure services — manages the development of the institutional repository.
24. Please briefly describe the role(s) that others in the institution (outside the library) play in
supporting SC services (other than the primary leadership roles described previously). N=35
As noted, the dean often plays a key role as spokesperson and “cultivator” of key relationships on campus.
As we have identified champions and supporters of open access and new means of scholarly communication, they have
been asked to advocate library services in support of SC among their colleagues and graduate students.
Bringing different stakeholders to the table to discuss SC issues/services.
Campus counsel participates in SC education, academic senate and office of research sponsor and support events and
educational outreach.
Depends on the school and department — nothing formally acknowledged.
Faculty: advocates for OA &data stewardship.
Subject librarians engage in multi-faceted consultations on scholarly communications issues, depending on need. Center
for instructional technology within the library assists with a variety of educational and publishing needs (insofar as latter
are related to instruction. Medical librarians provide primary assistance with NIH/PMC deposit. Data and GIS librarians
assist with data management, in collaboration with office of research support.
Subject specialists will refer faculty and students to the scholarly commons for support. In some cases, they will work
with their constituencies directly on support for SC services. We have provided one librarian with fairly intensive
copyright training so that that person can provide more support in terms of fair use for material. Instructional services
librarian works to identify potential audiences and areas for workshops. Graduate College liaison works with the GC to
identify potential areas for support.
Subject specialists/liaisons provide outreach, training, consulting to academic departments and students. Librarians and
staff in scholarly resource development and libraries information technology provide support for content and access
issues such as hybrid publishers, predatory open access, freely available resources.
The liaison librarians provide outreach and education to their faculty and students. Access services staff provide front
line assistance to users about copyright issues. Acquisitions manages the publication fee funds.
To create more awareness about SC issues, librarians and library administrators make verbal reports to the council of
deans, the faculty senate library committee, write blog posts, do programming, etc.
Two programmers are involved in serving our DSpace IR and our digital asset management system. The DSpace
programmer also administers our OJS installation. Two library assistants in technical services are involved, one on the
retro-digitization of theses and another with ingest of research publications into our IR. There is also an IR working
group that involves the DSpace programmer, the SC library assistant/technician, a couple of liaison librarians, and a
metadata librarian. They have also helped plan and carry out our OA Week events.
We are campus leaders is supporting media software for the creation of new types of scholarly works. We are also the
primary place on campus for preservation of digital content. We are the leaders in the open access movement, but we
rely heavily on faculty input. We are advisors when it comes to copyright, but leave the final decisions up to the content
creators. We convene a faculty group that sets copyright policy for campus.
While the collections &scholarly communications office plays a leadership role in supporting SC services, another
department — information &cyberinfrastructure services — manages the development of the institutional repository.
24. Please briefly describe the role(s) that others in the institution (outside the library) play in
supporting SC services (other than the primary leadership roles described previously). N=35
As noted, the dean often plays a key role as spokesperson and “cultivator” of key relationships on campus.
As we have identified champions and supporters of open access and new means of scholarly communication, they have
been asked to advocate library services in support of SC among their colleagues and graduate students.
Bringing different stakeholders to the table to discuss SC issues/services.
Campus counsel participates in SC education, academic senate and office of research sponsor and support events and
educational outreach.
Depends on the school and department — nothing formally acknowledged.
Faculty: advocates for OA &data stewardship.