SPEC Kit 332: Organization of Scholarly Communication Services · 47
Vice President for Research, Biomedical Communications, Office of Technology Transfer
Visualization Department Institute for Digital Humanities
Support for SC Services
23. Please briefly describe the role(s) that librarians and other professional library staff play in
supporting SC services (other than the primary leadership roles described previously). N=44
According to our recently adopted subject librarian position description framework, these librarians are expected to:
Educate and inform faculty, graduate students, and campus administrators about scholarly communication issues,
copyright and their rights as authors. Advocate for sustainable models of scholarly communication and assist in the
development and creation of tools and services to facilitate scholarly communication. Support and promote our IR by
helping administrators, faculty and students understand the role of the repository in building and preserving digital
collections and assisting in content recruitment.
Advocacy for open access and author rights, hosting of events, speaking to faculty councils about SC issues.
All liaison librarians and informationists (medical library) provide copyright assistance, answer questions about
publishing, funding mandates, open access, and repository deposit. Librarians and staff in GIS and data services help
with data sources, using data, and visualizing data. Librarians in data management services assist with the creation and
implementation of data management plans.
All liaisons and subject specialists have this responsibility. Extensive support &expertise provided by scholarly
communications center. Copyright and licensing education &consultation by copyright and licensing librarian.
All librarians who have liaison responsibilities to departments on campus are charged with doing scholarly
communication outreach (it is part of their job expectations), including education about retaining copyrights, open
access, repositories, etc. Our department called Digital Publishing &Scholarship offers services for digital publishing to
the campus.
All library liaisons help to promote open access, open access publishing, and use of the institutional repository.
An SC team provides general support, and individuals on that team support specific initiatives (e.g., science data
services librarian). Subject specialists provide education/outreach to academic departments.
Bibliographers: outreach to faculty, soliciting content for deposit in IR, IT technical setup for IR, and processing. Access
Services: limited support with rights questions.
Develop and promote the use of a DSpace IR. Create web guides on NSF data management plans resources. Create an
SC webpage describing our services. Create promotional material to market SC services to campus. Host annual speaker
series on SC topics such as copyright, author rights, open access, IRs, etc. Give presentations on copyright to faculty and
Digital Studio staff: Consult with faculty about SC services Assist with production of multimedia works. Digital Library
Technology Services staff: Digitization and encoding/text markup services Provide metadata for scholarly content
Development and hosting scholarly network for new forms of publishing. Data Services Librarian/Data Services
Studio staff: Data management or curation services Support for data mining, data visualization, GIS, etc. Support for
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SPEC Kit 332: Organization of Scholarly Communication Services (November 2012) resources

Extracted Text (may have errors)

SPEC Kit 332: Organization of Scholarly Communication Services · 47
Vice President for Research, Biomedical Communications, Office of Technology Transfer
Visualization Department Institute for Digital Humanities
Support for SC Services
23. Please briefly describe the role(s) that librarians and other professional library staff play in
supporting SC services (other than the primary leadership roles described previously). N=44
According to our recently adopted subject librarian position description framework, these librarians are expected to:
Educate and inform faculty, graduate students, and campus administrators about scholarly communication issues,
copyright and their rights as authors. Advocate for sustainable models of scholarly communication and assist in the
development and creation of tools and services to facilitate scholarly communication. Support and promote our IR by
helping administrators, faculty and students understand the role of the repository in building and preserving digital
collections and assisting in content recruitment.
Advocacy for open access and author rights, hosting of events, speaking to faculty councils about SC issues.
All liaison librarians and informationists (medical library) provide copyright assistance, answer questions about
publishing, funding mandates, open access, and repository deposit. Librarians and staff in GIS and data services help
with data sources, using data, and visualizing data. Librarians in data management services assist with the creation and
implementation of data management plans.
All liaisons and subject specialists have this responsibility. Extensive support &expertise provided by scholarly
communications center. Copyright and licensing education &consultation by copyright and licensing librarian.
All librarians who have liaison responsibilities to departments on campus are charged with doing scholarly
communication outreach (it is part of their job expectations), including education about retaining copyrights, open
access, repositories, etc. Our department called Digital Publishing &Scholarship offers services for digital publishing to
the campus.
All library liaisons help to promote open access, open access publishing, and use of the institutional repository.
An SC team provides general support, and individuals on that team support specific initiatives (e.g., science data
services librarian). Subject specialists provide education/outreach to academic departments.
Bibliographers: outreach to faculty, soliciting content for deposit in IR, IT technical setup for IR, and processing. Access
Services: limited support with rights questions.
Develop and promote the use of a DSpace IR. Create web guides on NSF data management plans resources. Create an
SC webpage describing our services. Create promotional material to market SC services to campus. Host annual speaker
series on SC topics such as copyright, author rights, open access, IRs, etc. Give presentations on copyright to faculty and
Digital Studio staff: Consult with faculty about SC services Assist with production of multimedia works. Digital Library
Technology Services staff: Digitization and encoding/text markup services Provide metadata for scholarly content
Development and hosting scholarly network for new forms of publishing. Data Services Librarian/Data Services
Studio staff: Data management or curation services Support for data mining, data visualization, GIS, etc. Support for

