SPEC Kit 332: Organization of Scholarly Communication Services · 69
University of Arizona
Director of Copyright and Scholarly Communication
2. Directs copyright activities for the Libraries and serves as copyright advisor to
the university community serves as the Libraries primary resource on fair use
and other copyright issues and programs related to scholarly communications
3. Serving as the contact point for queries and suspected violations of the Digital
Millennium Copyright Act from outside agents (RIAA, publishers, motion pictures,
4. Works with the Office of General Counsel, Students Affairs, Information
Technology, and Vice President for Research (VPR), Vice President for Instruction
(VPI) and academic departments on issues and programs related to scholarly
and aggressively provides educational resources for faculty and students on how
to observe copyright compliance while maintaining fair use.
5. Providing face to face advice and guidance for faculty on how materials may be
used for educational and research use while not violating copyright.
6. Working with the VPR and appropriate faculty units to educate faculty on their
responsibilities and rights in terms of their own scholarship, while at the same
time observing the new NIH policies on the deposit of scholarly articles resulting
from federally funded research
7. Monitoring national scholarly communication policy issues, informing and
educating the University community on their significance as well as ensuring our
state and federal relations officers have the information they need on these
issues. Ensures that scholars, students, and libraries in the digital environment
retain the full benefits of the current and evolving intellectual property regime.
8. Organizes educational forums on scholarly communication topics as they relate
to academia and to research libraries.
9. Providing support for University discussions on the development of University
policies on copyright, the public domain, user privacy, and other scholarly
communication issues.
10. Represents the interests of the Library and university community in development
of copyright, the public domain, user privacy, and other scholarly
communications issues.
11. Consults with faculty on proper use of published materials, intellectual property,
databases and readings in the University Course Management System(s).
Provides ready access to faculty on copyright issues and the potential for
violations as related to copyright and fair use.
12. Seeking copyright permissions to digitize and make publicly accessible University
materials including dissertations as well as works of unclear origin or copyright
13. Understands, advocates, communicates the Libraries’ mission, vision, goals,
services and operations as they relate to copyright and scholarly
14. Works with the Libraries information systems and integrative services teams to
insure needed materials are and can be available in the Institutional Repository.
Advertises the availability and capability to the repository to the University
community, faculty researches and students.
15. Responsible for staff development and training programs for the Library on
copyright and scholarly communications issues.
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