SPEC Kit 332: Organization of Scholarly Communication Services · 151
Boston University
Scholarship, Libraries, and Open Access Archiving Initiative
Recommendation: Approved unanimously by the Boston University Faculty Council
on September 16, 2008
The University Council recommends that Boston University take a leadership role in the
development and implementation of policies and procedures that encourage the free and
open exchange of scholarship by supporting faculty and other researchers in the
following areas:
1. Establishment of an innovative, model infrastructure for a central Boston
University Knowledge Base and Institutional Repository (See Figure 1.) to
accomplish the following:
a. host and preserve digital research, scholarship and teaching activities,
including BU theses and dissertations
b. create optimal utility of a flexible format Open Access framework that
utilizes a transparent, controlled vocabulary navigation system with key
word retrieval
c. link multiple internal and external data bases that facilitate and relate to
faculty research, teaching and scholarly activities, including current
faculty CVs
d. facilitate ease of faculty, student and administrative use and best practices
within the Open Access framework through training and departmental
e. promote faculty research, teaching and scholarship with innovative new
electronic tools and resources facilitated by Open Access.
2. Promotion of Open Access in routine operations that include:
a. use of non-exclusive copyright agreements with publishers
b. publication in peer-reviewed Open Access journals
c. equal consideration of peer-reviewed Open Access journals during tenure
and promotion
d. support of libraries in negotiating licenses and contracts with publishers to
lower costs and retention of titles
e. encourage Boston University journals to participate in Open Access
1 Boston University Faculty Council. Survey on Faculty Excellence in Teaching, Research
and Service. 2001.
R. E. Hudson
B. Millen
A. Tahmassian
May 3, 2007 Updated August 20, 2007, April 22, 2008, September 16, 2008
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