SPEC Kit 332: Organization of Scholarly Communication Services · 45
Information Technology Services /Graduate college
Information Technology individual department/college
Institute for the Arts and Humanities, Renaissance Computing Institute, Odum Institute
Library and the schools
Some departments individually, Information Technologies
The Faculty of Graduate Studies is involved in supporting ETDs as they approve them before they are posted.
The library is in the early stages of developing these services. Other units: supercomputing lab.
The Office of Information Technology (central campus IT) provides virtual hosting, and colleges and departments host
digital content as well.
Units and departments support GIS labs, digital humanities tools, etc.
Units in colleges host some of this also the Institute for Computing in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Science
University IT Graduate School and other schools/departments support ETDs.
University ITS School of Business Courant Institute
University Information Technology Services
University Information Services Center for New Design in Learning and Scholarship
Various research institutes, centers, and labs host their own data.
Support with Research, Publishing, and Creative Works N=41
Assist in assessing research impact: Office of Vice Provost for Research. Assist with production of multimedia works
(films, art, etc.): Campus Information Technology Department.
Centers and institutes deans
Departmental support
Digital humanities partnership with Center for the Humanities Department of History public history program, etc.
Digital Media Union (CIO’s office), Office of Research, Technology Licensing and Commercialization
Digital Studio for the Humanities /Office for the Vice President for Research /Information Technology Services
Divisional IT units and some campus IT
Individual departments
Individual departments and offices of vice-deans for research within the faculties
Individual schools
Information Technology, school-based IT units, Office for Research
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SPEC Kit 332: Organization of Scholarly Communication Services · 45
Information Technology Services /Graduate college
Information Technology individual department/college
Institute for the Arts and Humanities, Renaissance Computing Institute, Odum Institute
Library and the schools
Some departments individually, Information Technologies
The Faculty of Graduate Studies is involved in supporting ETDs as they approve them before they are posted.
The library is in the early stages of developing these services. Other units: supercomputing lab.
The Office of Information Technology (central campus IT) provides virtual hosting, and colleges and departments host
digital content as well.
Units and departments support GIS labs, digital humanities tools, etc.
Units in colleges host some of this also the Institute for Computing in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Science
University IT Graduate School and other schools/departments support ETDs.
University ITS School of Business Courant Institute
University Information Technology Services
University Information Services Center for New Design in Learning and Scholarship
Various research institutes, centers, and labs host their own data.
Support with Research, Publishing, and Creative Works N=41
Assist in assessing research impact: Office of Vice Provost for Research. Assist with production of multimedia works
(films, art, etc.): Campus Information Technology Department.
Centers and institutes deans
Departmental support
Digital humanities partnership with Center for the Humanities Department of History public history program, etc.
Digital Media Union (CIO’s office), Office of Research, Technology Licensing and Commercialization
Digital Studio for the Humanities /Office for the Vice President for Research /Information Technology Services
Divisional IT units and some campus IT
Individual departments
Individual departments and offices of vice-deans for research within the faculties
Individual schools
Information Technology, school-based IT units, Office for Research

