SPEC Kit 332: Organization of Scholarly Communication Services · 51
Faculty often support themselves by learning about and using technology creatively to suit their SC needs. The university
press supports communication amongst scholars in the materials they publish. Academic departments publish a variety
of materials (including grey lit) and also host conferences, workshops, colloquia, etc. The university IT division supports
SC through a wide range of technologies that facilitate communication including large-scale storage and services for
large files and systems.
Funding, technology transfer, research assistants.
Health sciences libraries conduct their own scholarly communication outreach, education, and service delivery including
copyright support and public access policy compliance. The chief information officer’s unit — digital media union —
supports new modes of media creation and delivery.
In addition to those named in Q 9’s text responses, I think its fair to say that the science, engineering, and architecture
colleges all provide some SC support in their own units which are more appropriate to their own expertise and faculty.
These tend to overlap with support for research computing and instructional technology, but I don’t think it is easy to
draw a clear line between them. They do not provide support for the “classic” library scholarly communications services
of OA education, publication advocacy, etc., but those are of less value to their faculty anyway. We are developing our
IR services, to be launched as ScholarSphere, with the campus’s central IT unit, Information Technology Services, and
specifically a sub-division known as Digital Library Technologies. These services will be marketed and co-branded as a
joint initiative.
Individual academic units have IT, editing, and other support staff that provide services you define as scholarly
Intellectual property advice.
Legal counsel works with the library to provide advice to faculty and develop copyright policies. Campus IT provides
network and storage infrastructure and collaborates with the library in providing services.
University press: Campus based publishing. University ITS: Hosting and managing digital content Assist with production
of multimedia works. Health sciences library: Advise and educate authors about complying with funding agency
mandates. School of business: Hosting and managing digital content. Courant Institute: Hosting and managing digital
content. University Humanities Initiative: Support for digital humanities. Office of Industrial Liaison/Office of General
Counsel: Support patent research or applications.
Office of General Counsel provides guidance on intellectual property issues.
Office of Information Technology and Sponsored Programs &Regulatory Compliance (SPARCS) support data
management and the repository.
Office of Information Technology assists with a variety of new publishing platforms, including enterprise-wide
WordPress installation. Office of Research Support is working on a data management strategy for the campus, with
support from librarians and others, and is responsible for assessing research impact.
Office of Institutional Research: described previously. University Press: journal and book publisher. Office of Sponsored
Research: oversees grant application and management. Technology Licensing Office: handles copyright ownership
issues. Office of General Counsel: described previously. Provost’s Office: provides funding, sets priorities and direction.
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
Office of the general counsel offers support to campus concerning intellectual property issues, and information
technology services offers data management services.
Faculty often support themselves by learning about and using technology creatively to suit their SC needs. The university
press supports communication amongst scholars in the materials they publish. Academic departments publish a variety
of materials (including grey lit) and also host conferences, workshops, colloquia, etc. The university IT division supports
SC through a wide range of technologies that facilitate communication including large-scale storage and services for
large files and systems.
Funding, technology transfer, research assistants.
Health sciences libraries conduct their own scholarly communication outreach, education, and service delivery including
copyright support and public access policy compliance. The chief information officer’s unit — digital media union —
supports new modes of media creation and delivery.
In addition to those named in Q 9’s text responses, I think its fair to say that the science, engineering, and architecture
colleges all provide some SC support in their own units which are more appropriate to their own expertise and faculty.
These tend to overlap with support for research computing and instructional technology, but I don’t think it is easy to
draw a clear line between them. They do not provide support for the “classic” library scholarly communications services
of OA education, publication advocacy, etc., but those are of less value to their faculty anyway. We are developing our
IR services, to be launched as ScholarSphere, with the campus’s central IT unit, Information Technology Services, and
specifically a sub-division known as Digital Library Technologies. These services will be marketed and co-branded as a
joint initiative.
Individual academic units have IT, editing, and other support staff that provide services you define as scholarly
Intellectual property advice.
Legal counsel works with the library to provide advice to faculty and develop copyright policies. Campus IT provides
network and storage infrastructure and collaborates with the library in providing services.
University press: Campus based publishing. University ITS: Hosting and managing digital content Assist with production
of multimedia works. Health sciences library: Advise and educate authors about complying with funding agency
mandates. School of business: Hosting and managing digital content. Courant Institute: Hosting and managing digital
content. University Humanities Initiative: Support for digital humanities. Office of Industrial Liaison/Office of General
Counsel: Support patent research or applications.
Office of General Counsel provides guidance on intellectual property issues.
Office of Information Technology and Sponsored Programs &Regulatory Compliance (SPARCS) support data
management and the repository.
Office of Information Technology assists with a variety of new publishing platforms, including enterprise-wide
WordPress installation. Office of Research Support is working on a data management strategy for the campus, with
support from librarians and others, and is responsible for assessing research impact.
Office of Institutional Research: described previously. University Press: journal and book publisher. Office of Sponsored
Research: oversees grant application and management. Technology Licensing Office: handles copyright ownership
issues. Office of General Counsel: described previously. Provost’s Office: provides funding, sets priorities and direction.
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
Office of the general counsel offers support to campus concerning intellectual property issues, and information
technology services offers data management services.