Library Development · 69
Other Activities N=8
Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev
CDO 0% 94% 28% 15%
Library 6% 100% 72% 85%
Please describe other activities.
CDO %Library %Activity
0 100 Refreshments for Leadership Board Meetings and other library events
0 100 Travel/Visits
20 80 Donor visits, operational expenses
10 90 Friends
50 50 Travel
94 6 Travel expenses
Additional Comments
33. Please enter any additional information regarding library development activities at your library
that may assist the authors in accurately analyzing the results of this survey.
Selected Comments from Respondents
“The Foundation is not a part of the university. It was established to do fundraising on behalf of the university.
The libraries share a development officer with the Faculty of Graduate Studies. I would not recommend this
arrangement. There have been no synergies. We get along well. However there has been no added bonus.”
“Development activities at the university are directed centrally with regular and consistent communication
with the deans.”
“In addition to the staff that are reported on this survey, there are staff who have responsibility for
development activities including three associate deans, the head of special collections &university archives,
and the senior financial coordinator. At certain times of the year (mid-September through mid-December
and the end of the academic year) many administrative and student assistants are involved in development
activities that support our black tie gala in November, year-end giving, and in-kind donations which peak at
the end of the fall and spring semesters with faculty retirements, etc. There are a lot more people involved in
development support activities now than there ever have been.”
“It is important to note that library’s development program is undergoing significant change. The Director of
Development will no longer be located in the library and will instead be housed in the Main Development
Office. Much of the development work that was formerly handled by the library will be transferred to the Main
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