16 · SPEC Kit 297
ative in their efforts to find new potential prospects.
These programs are provided institutional support
for activities such as records management and
planned giving, but not as often for special events
or development communications. Libraries have
visibility in most institutional annual giving ef-
forts, including direct mail, phonathon, and online
giving, which allows many library development
professionals (whose actual titles range from se-
nior development manager to associate university
librarian for philanthropy to director of advance-
ment) to concentrate on major gifts. This library de-
velopment professional may or may not participate
in the executive cabinet of the library director.
Many library directors will participate in the
fundraising for their library, but the amount of their
time on associated tasks varies widely. The library
director will participate in the evaluation of the de-
velopment officer which will likely include factors
such as the dollars raised, the dollar goal, the num-
ber of gift closures, the number of visits conducted,
and the number of proposals delivered.
Library development programs have certainly
grown and changed drastically since first discussed
in SPEC Kit 6, though libraries continue to struggle
to find needed prospects within large academic en-
terprises. Consequently, library development pro-
grams will continue to evolve as the need for, and
limitations upon, funding continue.
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