Library Development · 49
“The dean makes calls individually and with other libraries staff without the LDO present but calls are recorded
in database.”
“The UL will make cultivation or stewardship visits, solo, as she travels for business.”
“This is determined by the nature of the relationship with the donor or prospect, regardless of gift amount. In
many instances, the library director is the primary contact.”
“Time permitting, the library director meets with donors when he travels. Donor visits are encouraged when he
is attending conferences, etc.”
“We decide on a case-by-case basis which staff members are needed to make the call, make an ask, provide
stewardship or close a gift.”
“Yes, often the university president and the library director will go on a call together.”
“[No, but] this is not a policy restriction, rather a practical procedure.”
20. To whom does the library director report? N=78
Provost 52 67%
Associate/Deputy/Vice Provost 7 9%
Senior/Executive Vice Chancellor 3 4%
Chancellor 2 3%
Executive Vice President (academic) 2 3%
Vice President (academic) 1 1%
Associate Vice President (academic) 1 1%
Vice Chancellor 1 1%
Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences 1 1%
Director of Development 1 1%
President and CEO of the Library 1 1%
Chancellor and Executive Vice Chancellor 1 1%
Chancellor and Provost 1 1%
President and Provost 1 1%
President and Vice President Academic 1 1%
Provost and Chief Information Officer 1 1%
Provost and VP for Operations/Budget 1 1%
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