64 · SPEC Kit 297
“Library often offered as an option for giving if the donor declines the opportunity to give when called
regarding another division.”
“Most of the phonathons are faculty based. Faculty projects are presented first and if there is no interest they
will talk about the library.”
“Only during the phonathan solicitations to renew library donors. Phonathon solicitations also directed to
alumni who have made a gift to their school in the current fiscal year. In this case, individuals called for a
second gift for the library.”
“Only for the library’s annual appeal telephone follow up.”
“Only when we insist on having our donors solicited by phone.”
Our phonathons are typically focused on a specific constituency or initiative. Libraries is the focus of the
“Libraries calling (obviously and those calls are placed to library donors, current and/or lapsed). Libraries can
be donor-identified at any time, but isn’t presented as an option on any consistent basis.”
“Parents are called for the library in a five week time frame.”
“Phonathons are either done on behalf of a specific unit (like the library) that pays the costs associated with
the phonathon or on behalf of the Greater University Fund. Donations to the library are accepted under any
calling program but would have to be initiated by the person being called—the caller would not provide the
library as an option.”
“Phonathons are targeted for specific units so the library would not be mentioned if the phonathon is
occurring for the business school.”
“Some colleges or units have the library as optional designation for gifts.”
“The ‘Second Ask’ targets the library and that has been very successful.”
“The libraries were included as one of the choices in the “Parents’ Telefund’ this year.”
“There is a specific phonathon for the libraries.”
“Twice a year however, from now on will be merged with Student Affairs for phonathon.”
“We are the default designation when donor doesn’t have interest in their school.”
“Phonathon for the libraries happens for two weeks during the year.”
“Some phonathans are not specifically for the libraries but if the individual indicates a desire to support
libraries, that would be encouraged and a pledge accepted. Some phonathans specifically ask for library
support or the library is suggested as an extra support.”
“The library has its own phonathon segments for library giving only, and, on occasion, will be the subject of a
second ask in other university calling pools.”
“We have a discretionary fund calling program and the Parents Calling Program funds an Undergraduate
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