40 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Some aspects of DS (i.e., project management, planning, digital preservation) are only really accessible
to researchers formally collaborating with librarians on projects (i.e., cases where the librarian is a co-
PI) and not really to anyone on campus who is interested.
Staff could include librarians, library IT, archivists, non-MLS library management.
The number of staff who contribute to the service is not equivalent to the FTE effort invested in
support. In many cases the activity supported represents a small portion of the staff’s overall effort.
These activities are highly distributed across multiple departments and individuals.
These numbers do not represent FTE but people who may be partially involved.
This area touches a number of positions to varying degrees throughout the semester and throughout
our organization.
This is hard to report—project to project and within departments there is variation.
This is very difficult to answer because everyone has some interaction with digital scholarship and
support activities. This is an already transformed way of working, so the parsing into parts for these
elements isn’t a discrete or clean or concise way to report on activities.
Varies greatly, at least one subject specialist/liaison librarian is always the lead.
We function as a highly collaborative matrix organization and responsibilities for digital scholarship
services are shared among a majority of staff members in some way, shape, or form. As a result it is
nearly impossible to quantify the number of staff members engaged in digital scholarship.
While a number of Reference &Instructional Services staff possess or are developing expertise for
contributing to digital scholarship projects and services, this is not part of their job responsibilities
nor is it a regular feature of any liaison’s work. We see this as an area in which we would like to evolve
our services, and are actively working on how best to evolve librarians’ roles into digital scholarship
support, in ways that extend naturally from their current work. The high numbers of staff involved in
project planning, project management, making digital collections, and metadata creation reflect, in
part, the International and Area Studies department’s involvement in proposing, managing, and helping
develop digital collections. Metadata creation, in particular, is a defined area of responsibility for these
librarians, who also regularly partner on projects with faculty and hold more advanced degrees in
specific subject areas. The Digital Projects and Production Services department does not offer public-
facing services in digitization and digital collection development. However, their work to digitize,
describe, and publish digital collections has been done, in part, in collaboration with IAS librarians
who in turn are partnering with faculty researchers. Finally, understanding the significance of these
numbers is difficult without comparing to the overall size of these departments.
6. To help us understand how staff are organized within the library to support digital scholarship,
for each activity listed below, please indicate whether staff:
Are distributed across library units,
Are part of a DS team within the library,
Are all part of a single library department/unit,
Are centralized in a library DS center/hub/lab,
Check all that apply. N=70
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