147 SPEC Kit 350: Supporting Digital Scholarship
Center for Digital Research and Scholarship |Project Process
Rights contracts acquired
Step 5: Building Products
From visual layouts and functional specifications, we start to build your
solution, using the results of past steps as a framework and your content as
the foundation. During this phase, your product will be built in a private
online environment to which only you and our team will have access.
Application build
Graphical build
Content entry
Web friendliness
Step 6: Evaluating Results
Once the build is complete, we’ll do a thorough check of all the components
to ensure we’ve assembled the elements correctly and followed best
practices in doing so. We will ask for your participation in checking things
Functional testing
Search engine optimization (SEO) rank testing
Accessibility check
Step 7: Launch
After evaluation, we’ll take your product live at a predetermined URL, and
work with you to announce your launch.
Production recheck
SEO submission
Accessibility recheck
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