94 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
other scholars for pedagogy projects: blending qualitative data from faculty and students with level of
success in reaching course outcomes.
Digitization policy group is evaluating library’s capacity to support digitization projects, but not digital
scholarship as a whole.
Look at our peer institutions who have recently or are currently undergoing similar transitions.
Looking ahead, we will be conducting a number of additional planning and assessment efforts that will
involve DS services and other educational technology and digital library development efforts.
Needs assessments
Participate in a cross-campus group that shares knowledge about research data management issues.
Solicit input and web statistics
Space utilization tracking application (SUMA)
To date most significant assessment efforts have been related to research data management services to
identify needs of faculty.
Tracking attendance and enrollment for skills-based workshops and courses offered within the library.
Various library administrators and library faculty participate in regularly scheduled meetings on
digital scholarship with key stakeholders from the College of Arts and Sciences. Conversations from
those meetings have helped guide some of our digital scholarship work.
We don’t yet have a concrete plan.
28. Of the assessment methods already used, which has been most useful for evaluating the library’s
digital scholarship support efforts? N=30
All methods provide data important to measuring the impact of our digital scholarship efforts.
Analyze data on number of consultations
Assessment to date has been planned in relation to specific projects and activities, but not as
programmatic as would be ideal. The Libraries have a new Assessment Librarian starting January
2016 and we hope to have a program for evaluation in place soon, with the new evaluation plan for
the next three years currently in draft, which we will review in consultation/collaboration with the
Assessment Librarian.
Coffee &Viz Evaluations (event at which faculty member and researchers describe their work with
visualization), high-tech space usage records
Collect and analyze data on number and type/content of consultations.
Collect data regarding numbers of collections and usage in repository.
Consultation data
Faculty surveys
Focus groups
Focus groups and individual interviews
For forecasting: individual interviews for in-progress development: focus groups including project
partners and stakeholders
Interviews and discussions with researchers
other scholars for pedagogy projects: blending qualitative data from faculty and students with level of
success in reaching course outcomes.
Digitization policy group is evaluating library’s capacity to support digitization projects, but not digital
scholarship as a whole.
Look at our peer institutions who have recently or are currently undergoing similar transitions.
Looking ahead, we will be conducting a number of additional planning and assessment efforts that will
involve DS services and other educational technology and digital library development efforts.
Needs assessments
Participate in a cross-campus group that shares knowledge about research data management issues.
Solicit input and web statistics
Space utilization tracking application (SUMA)
To date most significant assessment efforts have been related to research data management services to
identify needs of faculty.
Tracking attendance and enrollment for skills-based workshops and courses offered within the library.
Various library administrators and library faculty participate in regularly scheduled meetings on
digital scholarship with key stakeholders from the College of Arts and Sciences. Conversations from
those meetings have helped guide some of our digital scholarship work.
We don’t yet have a concrete plan.
28. Of the assessment methods already used, which has been most useful for evaluating the library’s
digital scholarship support efforts? N=30
All methods provide data important to measuring the impact of our digital scholarship efforts.
Analyze data on number of consultations
Assessment to date has been planned in relation to specific projects and activities, but not as
programmatic as would be ideal. The Libraries have a new Assessment Librarian starting January
2016 and we hope to have a program for evaluation in place soon, with the new evaluation plan for
the next three years currently in draft, which we will review in consultation/collaboration with the
Assessment Librarian.
Coffee &Viz Evaluations (event at which faculty member and researchers describe their work with
visualization), high-tech space usage records
Collect and analyze data on number and type/content of consultations.
Collect data regarding numbers of collections and usage in repository.
Consultation data
Faculty surveys
Focus groups
Focus groups and individual interviews
For forecasting: individual interviews for in-progress development: focus groups including project
partners and stakeholders
Interviews and discussions with researchers