93 SPEC Kit 350: Supporting Digital Scholarship
Yes, in the context of data management and digital publishing, but not “digital scholarship” broadly. We
also plan to conduct additional assessment.
Not yet, but we plan too N=5
Have online and data needs and planning digital scholarship assessment.
The library has an assessment librarian since November 2015. We are starting the assessment stage,
but we first need to determine our needs, select assessment activities, write an assessment plan, etc.
Therefore, we plan to assess our digital scholarship activities, but it is a little too early to know more.
The library is working to bolster its ability to support DS efforts, and once more mechanisms and
resources are in place it will solicit DS projects from campus researchers more vigorously.
This is an area we have talked about and have often thought a collaborative approach with other ARL
institutions would be helpful for assessing DS.
We just finished an initial survey of our current services in this space (November 2015). We are now
starting the assessment phase to determine gaps and resources needed to close those gaps.
Not yet at the assessment stage N=2
Informal assessments are made by way of monthly statistical reports, and feedback from librarians,
archivists, and staff involved in digital scholarship activities.
We have done some assessment of and collect data on individual projects, but have no comprehensive
assessment program across our organization.
Additional Comment
For specific projects, we’ve run usability tests and done a survey. We also monitor Google
Analytics data.
27. If yes or you plan to, what assessment method(s) does/will your library use? Check all that apply.
Collect and analyze data on number of projects 43 72%
Collect and analyze data on number of consultations 43 72%
Interviews with individual researchers 42 70%
User satisfaction survey 32 53%
Conducting focus group 30 50%
Other assessment method 17 28%
Please briefly describe the other assessment method. N=17
Assessment on all trainings and activities, facilitated discussions
Benchmarked staffing, services, and equipment at peer and aspirational institutions.
Benchmarking against other (peer) institutions
Collect and analyze data on type of project, intended audience, and type/content of consultations.
Collect information on digital scholarship services offered by other campus units (environmental scan).
Develop strategy to measure scholarly impact of research and teaching enhanced by digital scholarship
tools and methods for research projects: exploring measuring number of times a work is referenced by
Yes, in the context of data management and digital publishing, but not “digital scholarship” broadly. We
also plan to conduct additional assessment.
Not yet, but we plan too N=5
Have online and data needs and planning digital scholarship assessment.
The library has an assessment librarian since November 2015. We are starting the assessment stage,
but we first need to determine our needs, select assessment activities, write an assessment plan, etc.
Therefore, we plan to assess our digital scholarship activities, but it is a little too early to know more.
The library is working to bolster its ability to support DS efforts, and once more mechanisms and
resources are in place it will solicit DS projects from campus researchers more vigorously.
This is an area we have talked about and have often thought a collaborative approach with other ARL
institutions would be helpful for assessing DS.
We just finished an initial survey of our current services in this space (November 2015). We are now
starting the assessment phase to determine gaps and resources needed to close those gaps.
Not yet at the assessment stage N=2
Informal assessments are made by way of monthly statistical reports, and feedback from librarians,
archivists, and staff involved in digital scholarship activities.
We have done some assessment of and collect data on individual projects, but have no comprehensive
assessment program across our organization.
Additional Comment
For specific projects, we’ve run usability tests and done a survey. We also monitor Google
Analytics data.
27. If yes or you plan to, what assessment method(s) does/will your library use? Check all that apply.
Collect and analyze data on number of projects 43 72%
Collect and analyze data on number of consultations 43 72%
Interviews with individual researchers 42 70%
User satisfaction survey 32 53%
Conducting focus group 30 50%
Other assessment method 17 28%
Please briefly describe the other assessment method. N=17
Assessment on all trainings and activities, facilitated discussions
Benchmarked staffing, services, and equipment at peer and aspirational institutions.
Benchmarking against other (peer) institutions
Collect and analyze data on type of project, intended audience, and type/content of consultations.
Collect information on digital scholarship services offered by other campus units (environmental scan).
Develop strategy to measure scholarly impact of research and teaching enhanced by digital scholarship
tools and methods for research projects: exploring measuring number of times a work is referenced by