Scholarly Communication Education Initiatives · 79
Summary Outcomes
Senate resolution on OA Dean/Director and survey respondent contributed to development of a draft statement in
support of Open Access that is being adopted for the university.
Senate resolution on SC Faculty senate and graduate student senate both passed resolutions on scholarly publishing
last year.
Senate resolution on SC Faculty senate resolution: In 2003, endorsed the Tempe Principles, a set of principles
devised by several major American research libraries in 2000 and intended to guide the
transformation of the scholarly publishing system.
Senate resolution on SC The University Senate passed a resolution entitled “Albany Faculty Action Needed to Secure
Access to journals at an Affordable Price for SUNY Faculty and Students.”
Senate resolution to support
copyright addendum usage
Faculty Senate resolution, in 2007, endorsed the CIC Provosts’ Statement on Publishing
Agreements, which urges the faculty to modify their copyright agreements so they have
greater ownership/usership of their own publications.
Support for digital
Hiring of cross discipline digital scholars is a sign that the terms for academic achievement
may be gradually shifting to accept digital scholarship.
Additional Comments
20. Please enter any additional information regarding scholarly communication education
initiatives at your library that may assist the authors in accurately analyzing the results of this
survey. N=22
“Again, it’s early days here. We really began working in earnest on the education aspects of this less than a
year ago. About ten months ago, we brought in our Intellectual Property Specialists (who do this, but do other
things too ...)and we’ve been working on assessment and planning since then, going out and ‘educating’ as
opportunities arise. The formal program will really only begin in the fall.”
“As mentioned in the ‘challenges’ section above, we have had turnover in the assistant dean’s role, and both
he and the head of Scholarly Communications Services have been in their roles less than a year. As a result,
our current efforts are still evolving, and have focused more heavily on the publication initiatives, rather than
education programs. The Office of Digital Scholarly Publishing has given the dean and the director of the
university press multiple opportunities to raise the visibility of these issues internally and externally.”
“I received the appointment as Scholarly Communication Officer in January 2007. I currently have a concurrent
administrative appointment as a department chair. The 15% estimate of time devoted to SC education
activities noted in #3 relates mostly to the time I have taken to come up to educate myself rather than
outward education. Prior to my appointment, the library had created a Web page about SC issues though its
primary focus was on the crisis in journal price inflation. Because we have done no evaluation of effectiveness
of any SC efforts, all such efforts were rated a ‘3.’ This is meant to indicate that we simply do not know what
has or hasn’t been effective. A team from the university (including me, an intellectual property specialist, and
two faculty members—one a journal editor and the other an editorial board member for a different journal)
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